Importing Pre Owned Hi Fi

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#1 erstellt: 16. Feb 2006, 11:07

I have always felt that pre-owned Hi Fi offers excellent value. However, here in India, we typically dont get much of a choice.

There is however a HUGE choice of mouth watering stuff available internationally, on audiogon, ebay and many other websites.

I have always been curious whether we Indian audiophiles can import this stuff in our personal capacity.

Can forum memebers throw some light on this, specifically if they have imported stuff ?

Is an import licence required even if a single used item is being imported, for personal use ?

What is the official customs duty payable, and in practice what is charged ?

Will the equipment actually come to my doorstep, or just 'vanish' into the ether ?

Any dos & donts ?

Any tips and pointers Much Appreciated

Thanks !
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#2 erstellt: 17. Feb 2006, 06:29

As far as getting preowned equipment is concerned, there is no license to be obtained (assuming that you are not planning to get a dozen!)

The customs duty is max 50%. Upto 25K there is no duty. So best is to get it underinvoiced. This is what is normally done.

If you can fix it with some friendly customs guys, then nothing like it.

In Bombay there is a guy dealing in preowned - checkout Am told Chennai has a market. But havent seen it myself.
#3 erstellt: 22. Feb 2006, 10:45
Thanks, CKN.

That is very informative and encouraging.

1. When you say, no customs duty upto Rs 25K, is this if its declared as a gift only ?

2. Does this also apply to courier ( eg DHL ) shipments ?

3. What is the safest way to have it shipped ?
A pair of shoes that my sister sent me by post, are now probably being worn by a post man !

The site that you listed says its under construction. Any other similar contact for Mumbai ?

Would also appreciate actual experiences from other forum members..

Thanks for sharing
#4 erstellt: 22. Feb 2006, 11:02

The site that you listed says its under construction.'s perfect you can view stuff..but most in USA and UK

[Beitrag von SUB_BOSS am 22. Feb 2006, 11:02 bearbeitet]
#5 erstellt: 22. Feb 2006, 12:17

Worked this time !

#6 erstellt: 22. Feb 2006, 16:04
Hi !

Lots of second hand gear is available in India.

For things that are up to 12 months old, they come @ 50 % below suggested US Retail Price.

Cables come for 50 % to 60 % Below U.S. Retail Prices.

For gear that is more than 12 to 36 Months old, prices are about 60 % to 70 % below US Retail.

There are Pre Amplifiers, Power Amplifiers, CD PLayers, DAC, Speakers etc. a lot of gear is there.

Just put up an add for what you want in AV Max or on the forum & you will find buyers.


P.S. I too may have stuff that I want to move out of, P.M. me & I will let you know. All gear is almost new, less than 3 months old & going @ 50 % off.
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#7 erstellt: 02. Mrz 2006, 16:59

I have read earlier reference to preowned shops in Chennai...Guiness I think was a shop mentioned. Maybe there are others...

Am travelling Chennai this weekend and would like to check out some preowned equip there.

Can someone give me a more detailed address/some landmarks etc...i dont know my way around Chennai too well....hear tell that the autorickshaw guys rip you off...

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#8 erstellt: 05. Mrz 2006, 07:34

The only street i know in chennai whrere u get pre owned stuff is Seelaiamman Koil street, off Ritchie street. Now Ritchie street is famous for shops dealing in computer pheripherals and all kinds of electronics.
The shop u mentioned Guiness is in the same street.Home of Torvin speakers Power electronics is also housed in this street.I paid a fleeting visit to this Guiness shop when i had been to the Torvin outlet to audition their Minimax 5.1 speakers.
This Guiness guy have quite a few amplifiers mostly stereo.Strangely he dosent seem to know what an AV Receiver is There are one are two more shops dealing in preowned stuff. There is a shop where they have stacked a lot of speakers .Dont know either brand or quality of them. This Ritchie st is beside the old and famous Casino theatre off Mount Road.Once u reach this street any one will guide u to this Seelai amman koil street. U can also visit the Torvin shop. They have a good audition room too.
Hope this helps.
PS: do post ur experince in the forum after ur visit.
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#9 erstellt: 06. Mrz 2006, 09:56
Hey CKN,

I know this ritchie street..

Torvin is housed there... and most of the other guys have duplicate stuff.. with "Kenwood" "Onkyo" badges on them..(thats wot me thinks)and i also saw all those locally made stuff stacked by the dozens..didnt investigate much...

yes the auto guys rip u off...

sorry couldnt catch up with u this I was out of station.. do buzz me wen u coming down next time and if am free would gladly accompany u to all these shops and protect u from the auto wallahs too ;)!!


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#10 erstellt: 06. Mrz 2006, 12:44
Hi guys,

Visit to Chennai preowned was a disappointment. Guiness had only the Technics/Sony/Pioneer stuff. He says the higher end stuff comes and goes in a day. Says it is picked up by dealers mostly. Told me he expects some new consignment this week. Maybe the Chennai guys may want to pay a visit.
Other shops were a no-no.

Torvin too was a disappointment. The chap gave me a demo with a computer copied CD- can you beat that! They didnt even have an original CD for demo! Plus their speakers were lined up about a feet apart. The demo guy was more interested in stressing the bass aspect...guess they get most of the trance guys....

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#11 erstellt: 07. Mrz 2006, 06:18

When I went.. Torvin has orginal CDs..

Yes, they stress on the bass aspect... and they seem to focus on the Torvin speakers (esp their HT setup) and the Yammys (more bass!!!)

Hope u had better luck with the autowallahs..!!


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