Free Course On How to Critically Evaluate A Music System

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#1 erstellt: 18. Mrz 2011, 06:57
Harmon Ltd ( the makers of a plethora of Hi Fi Brands including Mark Levinson, Revel, etc) have available on their website, a free Software download (currently a beta version with bugs ). The Software runs as a Course "How to Listen: A Course on How to Critically Evaluate the Quality of Recorded and Reproduced Sound "

The actual course / software is approx 115 MB (Win version) and can be downloaded from here for either Win or those on the 'Far side' (Mac)

Bugs are discussed here on linkedin

I have found the following comments useful:

For all the sessions there's always a missing file warning. Any help? Where can they be downloaded?

There should only be 8 sound files in the "Program" Folder of the Application Folder labelled "track1.wav, track2.wav, track3.wav, track4.wav" ( these are 24/96 kHz format), and track1-48.wav, track2-48.wav.... (24/48kHz versions). Although you can add your own programs in Practice Mode, the Session Mode should only be using those tracks, suggesting that the definition of the Sessions are not right.I will let the developer know, and we'll post a fix when he returns next week.

Do share yr thoughts....
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