Speakers for Denon AVR 3805

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#1 erstellt: 06. Dez 2005, 06:45

I recently bought the Denon AVR 3805 and got some speaker upgradation in mind.My preference is for neutral sound and i would love to have the british brands cause IMHO they are on the less brighter side. Please advice.

#2 erstellt: 06. Dez 2005, 09:26

This is an option to look at !


Marbin Colah from Bombay distributes it. I guess his main and only dealer is La Kozy Electronics

The other option to consider is Sonus Faber

The Domus Range.

Faisal Hamid in New Delhi - Sound of Music sells it.

This is the link for the product that I would suggest :-


You could also look at Dali from Denmark.


This series I like a lot.

Sound Smith in Bombay is the main distributor.

I would strongly suggest that you audition this speaker @ Ritz Hotel. That is where it is currently set up.


#3 erstellt: 06. Dez 2005, 17:54
bhagwan69 makes some very good recommendations.

In parallel, I'd like to deviate your mind into considering Indian-made speakers. Would you be interested?
(I don't know where you are located. If outside India then forget about my suggestions)
There are 2 Cadence (based in Poona) speakers that I can recommend: (1) the Cadence bookshelf. This is a dual front ported speaker. I forgot the name but someone can remind me & (2) the Avita floor-stander electrostatic hybrid using a 8" woofer.
Forget all other models in their line-up (except the much more expensive Arca if you have the money) & consider just these 2 models.
I think that the Denon (on the bright side) would do well w/ these 2 Cadence models.
#4 erstellt: 06. Dez 2005, 21:22
whats your budget ?
Whats your room size ?
Stereo or HT ?
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#5 erstellt: 07. Dez 2005, 06:32
My room size is 25 ft x 14 ft.i watch western movies and listen to ghazals primarily.Budget is 2lac
#6 erstellt: 07. Dez 2005, 07:15
A] Define the Budget - already done @ 200/- K
B] Decide on the room [where the system is to be installed] - also decided - 25' X 14'
C] Kind of music that neds to be listened to [Jazz / Classical / Folk / Country / Rock / India Classical] - this too is known [English Movie + Hindi Ghazala]
D] Buy the speaker first & then the amplifier to match it followed by the front end & the cables at the end.

This part has gone off a bit, the Amplifier is already purchased [Denon 3805]

Percentage of amount allocation :-

Speakers - 35 %
Amplifier - 35 %
Source - 20 %
Cables - 10 %

This is the way I would go about buying / building my Hi - Fi System. The Cost of Room Treatment to be etc.

What speaker options you can consider :-

Dynaudio - Audiance
Dali - Ikon
Monitor Audio - Silver
Wharfdale - Pacific Evolution
Quad - Dynamic Series


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#7 erstellt: 07. Dez 2005, 09:37
Thank you very much.Can you clarift as to the speaker choices.I have heard a lot about dynaaudio audoence series and the Quad L series.
#8 erstellt: 07. Dez 2005, 10:19
What clarification do you need ?

I suggest you drop by to both the dealers, take you amplifier along, hook up both the speakers & do a simple a / b

What sounds good to you, buy that.

The best part is that the Quad Dealer also sells the Pacific Evolution Series [Wharfdale] & the Dynaudio Dealer also sells the Dali Series.

You can try 2 sets of speakers from each dealer.

Just remember, all the 6 speakers have to be from the same brand and the same series. This would be suggested.


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#9 erstellt: 07. Dez 2005, 11:51
I would like a very neutral sound with properly defined midrange.Sound should not be augmented in the bass or treble and should be warm to the ear.How would you rayte Dynaaudio Audience 72 or 82 as fronts with 122c as the centre with audience 52 as the surround bookshelf.
and Quad 22L as the fronts , Quad -C as the centre ans Quad 12L as the surround bookshelf.Can you give me an estimate of the cost of the QUAD speakers.Thanks again.
#10 erstellt: 07. Dez 2005, 12:06
based on your tastes, the Castle and the Quad could be very good choices.
Even if you do not get the floorstanders, the bookshelves from both should be adequate for your tastes.

If you do have a budget overflow on your ideal setup , you can spend it just on the front and the center and think of a matching sub followed by the surround later.

A sub by the same manufacturer would be ideal for the tone. surrounds IMHO are not that important as tonality is not that big a constraint.

what is important is that the sensitivity should be around 6dB difference (Most AVRs do have an option of adjusting the sensitivity upto 12 db !)
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#11 erstellt: 07. Dez 2005, 16:45
I have a Velodyne VX-10 sub with me. Will that suffice if i only move in for the five speakers.And by the way what might be the price of a pair off 22l, 12l and a centre from Quad?
#12 erstellt: 07. Dez 2005, 17:27
you have a pretty good sub..hence you can think of a very good front/center. Would suggest you also give the Dyns as suggested by bhagwan69 a chance.. they would be better with the Denon and for music IMHO.

For surrounds, you can think of the Wharfedale WH2 dipoles, cheap yet effective !

If you want to go for something really small, the Mirage Omnisat Nanos are very good with a wonderful all round dispersion and very easy to place as well.
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