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What happened to AV Max?

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#101 erstellt: 14. Jan 2006, 05:20
Not entirely true.
The real wood veneer can add dimension to the sound depending on the way it is stcuk on to the cabinet.
It can make a difference, only in a high resolution system with corresponding electronics, room acoustics and source.

But, in your typical setup, the differences may not be noticable at all.
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#102 erstellt: 16. Jan 2006, 11:36
hi ben...

considering u r workin on a diy project u ll b knowin the technical details behind the real wood makin a difference...can u xplain how it makes difference in sound, may b in hi-end spkrs...???...just to know...

thanx / nindo
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#103 erstellt: 17. Jan 2006, 07:27
AV MAX Audio Show is on in Hyderabad from 26.01.2006 to 29.01.2006.

Any Forum Members plan to attend ?

#104 erstellt: 17. Jan 2006, 08:14
Sure thing guys. I remember when in my teething days in the world of AV or A intially, still is very much A, There was nothing in the indian magazine scenario which could talk about hardware. Of course we had the software stuff but nothing to even inform you where you could get dealers of all those brand names our richer cousins abroad could talk about having experienced. But now it surely has sort of fallen, the only listing you get of any use is the price listing you have at the last. Even that I remember was only of Speakers and TVs the last issue I browsed through. I mean it was a magazine worth its bucks where reading it you could opiniate, to that level, you know when you say that Angshuman Ghosh seems to really like Sony a lot and Nishant is a sure shot gumbo. Where you started talking to the people who wrote in your dreamscape. I remember I even wrote to them once wanting to review equipment for them (sure shot way of getting to hear those wonderful stuff), thinking of course that you just need a good ear to review. Now, well my next door tv reapir guy knows as much tech and probably has heard more.
#105 erstellt: 31. Jan 2006, 07:25
hey guys!! could anyone of u out there help me out with selecting da best software around for music from my P.C.?i'm new in the world of audiophiles and i pretty much dont know how true hi-fi sounds.i read av max regularly though.Hi-fi news suggests WinAmp,but i don't like da sound of it.
#106 erstellt: 31. Jan 2006, 09:48
The replay software, really is a dimunitive contribution to PC Music playback quality....

MUCH bigger contributions ( for better or worse ) will be from your PC Power Supply & sound card, PC Speakers ( that is NOT Hi Fi really ), and the flie types ( eg 128 KBps mnp-3 ).

Anyway, your software options.... you could explore the 'sound' of Windows Media Player, and I Tunes...
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#107 erstellt: 31. Jan 2006, 10:45
AV Max show in hyderabad was cancelled. I was surprised to see that there were no ads at all in any of the papers. I dug out my dec copy of avmax to check the dates and venue and then went to the Hotel there was nothing there.
I talked with the reception desk and they told me that it was scheduled to be held but was cancelled at the last moment !!!
They had no idea why, does anyone here know why?

#108 erstellt: 31. Jan 2006, 11:26
Cos' AV Max didn't have enough participants, that's why!
This is an assumption, of course. Esp after seeing the really poor turnout in the last Mumbai show!!
#109 erstellt: 31. Jan 2006, 11:38

Cos' AV Max didn't have enough participants, that's why!
This is an assumption, of course. Esp after seeing the really poor turnout in the last Mumbai show!!

Bingo !!
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#110 erstellt: 31. Jan 2006, 12:33
Thats interesting .... are you guys talking about visitor turnout or exhibitor turnout?
because in the last inside-outside show in hyderabad all the local audio stores had stalls and they were all crowded and I was told by one that they all did brisk business !!!

#111 erstellt: 06. Feb 2006, 06:20

vcs schrieb:
AV Max show in hyderabad was cancelled. I was surprised to see that there were no ads at all in any of the papers. I dug out my dec copy of avmax to check the dates and venue and then went to the Hotel there was nothing there.
I talked with the reception desk and they told me that it was scheduled to be held but was cancelled at the last moment !!!
They had no idea why, does anyone here know why?


It was really very very sad;
I personally was rather disappointed.
My Tickets to go to Hyderabad on Jet too had to be cancelled.

I was looking forward to that show.

I was really hopeful that some of the 'south' dealers would have taken part - Audio People - Jellybean etc.

It would have been a good chance to have a look at the crowd & their enthuasiasm in Hyderabad.

I have heard that there have been some really nice installs in Banjara Hills area.

This was particularly sad for the AV Max people.
The magazine seems to be on a slow death.
I just hope that ICICI Ventures does not pull the plug on them.

AV Max was the only 'Indian' Hi-Fi [well Lo-Fi] magazine we had...... I do not want to comment on Hi-Fi Choice [cut copy paste magazine]. Sorry !!!

#112 erstellt: 06. Feb 2006, 07:56

AV Max was the only 'Indian' Hi-Fi [well Lo-Fi] magazine we had...... I do not want to comment on Hi-Fi Choice [cut copy paste magazine]. Sorry !!!

You mean What Hifi, I presume.
#113 erstellt: 17. Feb 2006, 12:39
They have hot babes on this month's AV Max cover (or is it just one hottie posing thrice??)!! Man, this is a first. Now they're R E A L L Y desperate for eyeballs. And it's showing.

Plus I think they've been reading this thread cos they've removed all those price listings pages.

And guess what??? They've even featured a cell phone - PDA on this time's issue! Is that the 'A' or the 'V' in AV Max???
#114 erstellt: 17. Feb 2006, 13:14

They have hot babes on this month's AV Max cover

Is that the 'A' or the 'V' in AV Max???

none! it means the mag is rated as A - Adult due to its content and V for the dangerous veneral diseases those dames carry....
#115 erstellt: 17. Feb 2006, 13:16
That's just plain wicked SUB!
#116 erstellt: 17. Feb 2006, 13:20

That's just plain wicked SUB!

blame me my dear friend but I've had some funny encounters with AV Max and they were corked black n blue in return..

They've even featured a cell phone - PDA on this time's issue! Is that the 'A' or the 'V' in AV Max???

Jokes apart..yes don't you have MP3's in cell phones and watch videos it's A as well as V...

But i would still prefer to stick to my original explaination... wicked I'm

[Beitrag von SUB_BOSS am 17. Feb 2006, 13:23 bearbeitet]
#117 erstellt: 17. Feb 2006, 16:41
Anyone used the 'Warehouse' service of av max. I have some Sony equipment (mini-compo, TV) to sell and am looking out for some effective and free site.

Has anyone here used eBay India. I want to know if their auctions actually yield results. No riggers or other time-pass folks. Any bad experiences anyone.

Any suggestions on a better way to sell AV stuff in Mumbai.

Say Mohan,
I know it's nice to polk fun at av max but without them there will be one less source of info. And that will hurt us consumers. Think about it.

#118 erstellt: 20. Feb 2006, 07:19

Say Mohan,
I know it's nice to polk fun at av max but without them there will be one less source of info. And that will hurt us consumers. Think about it.

ya very true...atleast in a 4 page review we get to see photos in 3 full pages and some spces of the equipment ( which we are not intersted in ). But again if I have hurt any AV max readers I take back my words...
#119 erstellt: 20. Feb 2006, 08:19

It's not an issue of giving offence. av max tells us what products are available in the market - photos and specs. Then you and I and other audiophiles go and check them out ourselves and post our own opinions

The quality of their reviews really does not matter much to us anyways.
#120 erstellt: 20. Feb 2006, 08:32

av max tells us what products are available in the market - photos and specs. Then you and I and other audiophiles go and check them out ourselves and post our own opinions

hey thats not a bad idea at all.... but most pages are dedicated to either very high end or low end..but sometimes it's useful...thanks pal.
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#121 erstellt: 20. Feb 2006, 13:38
one informative thing i observed abt this edition is the awards might find either all x-treme end (as they call it) or entry least you get to know the names that denote real audiophhile range....when a novice like me goes out to hunt for a av system/stereo system, av max is the only option one's got rite now in india thats gives some insight into the stuff apart from the usual main stream stuff like sony/aiwa...

incase the avmax guys really follow this forum..then i think they really need to think on whether the deep-shit on ragas and other forms of music is really required or may be that space can be utilised to publish some more of real biased reviews on the hardware...and also a bit of "the home theatre tuning & voooo" thing...think over it

thanx / nindo
#122 erstellt: 16. Mrz 2006, 07:52
Have you read this month's AV Max?
Haha... Personal mp3 players... hahahaha.....
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#123 erstellt: 16. Mrz 2006, 08:08
I did buy it a few days back...

nuhting worthwile... felt i had wasted 50 bucks...
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#124 erstellt: 16. Mrz 2006, 08:15
...agree...nothin worth readin at all,except the review on yamaha dvp....the mag has gone to the dogs...even the buyers guide section....the prices are nowhere close to ground reality ...on the 15th day of the month they came out with "nothing" :|....

even if one of the avmax guys registers on this forum they'll get enuf food for thought....hope one does...

#125 erstellt: 16. Mrz 2006, 08:33

nindo schrieb:
...on the 15th day of the month they came out with "nothing" :|....

Incidentally, where's this month's What HiFi??
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#126 erstellt: 16. Mrz 2006, 08:39

Shahrukh schrieb:

nindo schrieb:
..."nothing" :|....

Incidentally, where's this month's What HiFi??

Does What Hi-Fi still C:C:P [Cut Copy Paste] ?

Or has Sandeep B [Editor] got a team of persons ready that can catually write for the magazine ?

#127 erstellt: 16. Mrz 2006, 08:55

Bob_Ludwig schrieb:

Does What Hi-Fi still C:C:P [Cut Copy Paste] ?

Or has Sandeep B [Editor] got a team of persons ready that can catually write for the magazine ?


For the last two issues it's been CCP. But an entertaining read nevertheless. Waiting for this month's issue. anyone have any clue why they're delaying so much?
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#128 erstellt: 16. Mrz 2006, 11:45

I have stopped buying AV Max. It appears that they are unable to gauge the pulse of the readers.
#129 erstellt: 16. Mrz 2006, 11:50
For the benefit of Bangalore residents...

There is a shop called 'Magazines' (or something) right at the beginning of Church Street, off Brigade Rd. Here you can find new/old issues of a lot of Hi-Fi mags like What HiFi?, Stereophile, HiFi News, HiFi Choice etc....certainly beats going for AV Max and reading about the latest mobile phone gizmo...
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#130 erstellt: 16. Mrz 2006, 12:11
I used to pick up old magazines from Jay nagar and Anand Rao circle pavement vendors. Sometimes the vendor quotes more than Rs.100 or 150 depending upon his mood for very old stereophile magazines.I will try at church st. thanks
#131 erstellt: 16. Mrz 2006, 12:24
anybody read this months AV-MAX ? quite bad.

#132 erstellt: 17. Mrz 2006, 15:04
Good news from What Hi-Fi.
I spoke to Sandeep, the editor. He says that he is recruiting locals in May. So I guess by July we will get a more relevant magazine. I plan on using my own listening tests till then.


What's wrong with this month's AVmax? More beautiful babes aren't bad for the eyes
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#133 erstellt: 02. Apr 2006, 16:03
Hi All,

Got my hands on the latest What Hi Fi mag. Felt a little disappointed. Excecpt for some bookshelves, it is high end and more high end gear occupying the pages. The mag makes it appear that the hifi and HT scene are only for the filthy rich.Well that is poor me speaking.
#134 erstellt: 02. Apr 2006, 16:47
I subscribe to both mags.

IMHO, Hi-Fi Choice's reviews are Very superficial, more focus on Great pics, and VERY little on the content.

Then they dish out the verdict, in pre-digested form, for those who want to take their word and buy on that basis.

Tooooo little info in Hi-Fi Choice on How the equipment actually sounds, its strong points and weaknesses.

Frankly, content wise ( excluding the production values and pics ), I think AV Max is currently better. Their reviews are more verbose, an they do attempt to talk of specific properties of the products reviewed.

I personally will continue to subscribe & encourage Both mags. Audiophiles are a small community, and we need to give a shoulder to all our industry mags.

Lets give these boys :

1. Constructives suggestions to improve

2. Some time to pick up speed.

Too many earlier audio publications have gone bust, lets encourage those who try.
#135 erstellt: 02. Apr 2006, 17:07

Amp_Nut schrieb:

Frankly, content wise ( excluding the production values and pics ), I think AV Max is currently better. Their reviews are more verbose, an they do attempt to talk of specific properties of the products reviewed.

Interesting words with so many reviews available online, do you really feel this is valid ? unless they have improved over the last few issues..

only problem is to find local products reviewed but for which this forum might be more credible .
prices of equipment as well as dealers is another important info.. but again this forum might be more relevant for that too !!
#136 erstellt: 03. Apr 2006, 02:03
Hi Arj,

I was referring to Indian Reviews.

I agree that there are Tons of online reviews....

And ofcourse U are correct ... This forum is the BEST !
#137 erstellt: 10. Apr 2006, 13:34
Anyone read this time's AV Max? It's a special on DVD players. Not bad. Quite informative too. Hope this is not just a flash in the plan and that they're really pulling up their socks!!
#138 erstellt: 11. Apr 2006, 05:40
Speaking of dvd players, I wish they come out with a player which is a fantastic video transport with very good video processing and get rid of all the bells and whistles like hi-end sound processing and all that. Most people who like hi-end multi-channel will have a hi-end pre-processor or amp which will have all that is necessary for good sound. This way they can get the price down and give the best quality video for the customer which is what a dvd player is supposed to do. I wonder if there is a reasonably priced product like that out there.
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#139 erstellt: 15. Apr 2006, 11:53
hey the avmax guys have regained some sense finally...i appreciate their effort in this month's issue to bring out a review of the dvd players avlbl in indian market...especially the review of jamo....cos i m plannin to go for a new dvp...

hope they keep up the work..

#140 erstellt: 26. Apr 2006, 06:35
heck kabadiwala close to my house refused to buy old AV max mags... .huh he was intersted in my old superbike mags which had centerspreads of super dooper chicks in drooling poses..jokes apart it's alomst 6 months I bought one..tell me guys is that 50 bucks worth this month's issue..any other reviews other than DVD players??
#141 erstellt: 26. Apr 2006, 06:41

Hope this is not just a flash in the plan and that they're really pulling up their socks!!

But I feel they are trying to pull up their socks when their pants are dropped down to their toes. .so AV max guys shud decide which should be pulled up first..
#142 erstellt: 26. Apr 2006, 07:13

SUB_BOSS schrieb:
..tell me guys is that 50 bucks worth this month's issue..any other reviews other than DVD players??

No it isn't. I have a deal with my mag guy. I pay him 10 bux to read it and give it back. He returns it as "unsold"!
#143 erstellt: 18. Mai 2006, 14:05
Hey have guys read this month's AVM? Not bad huh? Half the mag was rather interesting. It's another thing that this is the third time I've read a review in AVM about the Dyn Audience 52. But, nevertheless.

And what happened to What HiFi? Was expecting the mag in early May. What happened? Have they shut down? Can anyone give Mr Sandeep B a shout?
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