Marantz Receiver!

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#1 erstellt: 07. Sep 2005, 07:29
Hi all,

Can nybody tell me where can i source the Marantz SR4500/5500 in bangalore?i have heard to them compared with the denon 1705/1905 and liked the marantz details in both stereo and HT mode...Marantz are way ahead in botht the i am looking to buy one.....

Please help!

#2 erstellt: 08. Sep 2005, 07:02
Marantz is great for music. Very warm, very quiet receiver. For movies people tend to prefer Yamaha cos' it got more "zing". But if you're primarily into music then Marantz is it.
They're selling the Marantz SR4400 on baazee... er... ebay. It's overpriced by about 3k on the site.
#3 erstellt: 08. Sep 2005, 11:22
Hi Edges,

I was looking for a Marantz SR4500/ 5500 in Bangalore and have got quotes from 3 separate sources.

SR 4500 - 25k
SR 5500 - 28k
SR 5400 - 27k

But all of them are through the gray market and come without warranty. But the dealer will test them and set it up at your place.

What I was wondering is if we both go together we could negotiate a better deal - PM me if you are interested .

BTW. I was alos in the lookout for speakers to complement the Marantz - Do U have any in mind? I was looking at KEF's or the Wharfdale Diamond 8/9 at around 21k for the pair.
#4 erstellt: 08. Sep 2005, 12:28
the official price of the marantz sr 5500 is 49k with papers / taxes- -this is at the offcial marantz distributor,
and i know someone who had a bad experience with a smuggled receiver- some small chip was replaced and he had a real bad time-
so make double sure that the receivers are new and seal/serial number intact-
i myself was almost buying a marantz sr 4500 here in delhi(20k) , but backed out

so people just look out before putting ur hard earned money-and personally i do feel marantz is better than denon, H/K in both music and movies

#5 erstellt: 08. Sep 2005, 14:19
I think the Wharfedale diamond seies goes perfectly with the Marantz. Just use a cable to balance out the sound. both are rather warm sounding... QED silver anniversary biwire is one such cable.
#6 erstellt: 09. Sep 2005, 06:20
I think Polk Audio monitor60 would go wonderfully with Marantz.....
Hat sich gelöscht
#7 erstellt: 09. Sep 2005, 20:16
i think the monitor 50 is a much better product when compared to the monitor 60.
Sounded much more superior and musical to me.
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#8 erstellt: 10. Sep 2005, 13:01
which speaker will work perfectly ,with marantz, monitor50 OR diamond 8.4 ?
#9 erstellt: 10. Sep 2005, 13:18
Hi there...

Try the Monitor Audio Bronze 4. It is definitely better
than the diamond 8.4. And the QED cables will gel pretty well
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