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#1 erstellt: 18. Jul 2005, 07:02
I am looking at getting some components for building DAC. The main purpose is to take 5.1 inputs from digital coaxial and drive my fronts. I would like to keep the budget to under $250 finished.
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#2 erstellt: 18. Jul 2005, 10:17
basically u want a 2 channel DAC right?
If so then there is a DAC by Peter Daniel, the chap i bought my amplifier PCBs from..
the kit would cost around 200$ minus the chassis, Transformer and one more compoenent that i cannot remember.. is the link to that..

#3 erstellt: 18. Jul 2005, 12:53
there is another kit from scott nixon..its a tube dac. supposed to be quite nice....

#4 erstellt: 18. Jul 2005, 20:01

Manek schrieb:
there is another kit from scott nixon..its a tube dac. supposed to be quite nice....


thts a very good one..even the old audionote 1.1 kit, if found, is very good

But what do you mean 5.1 output ? a DVD player only has a digital output ..
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#5 erstellt: 18. Jul 2005, 20:50
i guess he means the same..
a digital out from a DVD player will output the entire 5.1 channels....
u will get 5.1 DAcs but since he wants to run only the mains guesssing he wants to use his DVD player as the source and go for an external DAC instead of buying a new CDP...
that mkaes sense actually...
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#6 erstellt: 18. Jul 2005, 20:53

Manek schrieb:
there is another kit from scott nixon..its a tube dac. supposed to be quite nice....


had come across these kits some time idea how they sound.
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#7 erstellt: 19. Jul 2005, 03:39

benkenobi schrieb:
i guess he means the same..
a digital out from a DVD player will output the entire 5.1 channels....
u will get 5.1 DAcs but since he wants to run only the mains guesssing he wants to use his DVD player as the source and go for an external DAC instead of buying a new CDP...
that mkaes sense actually...

Benks, that is correct. I am trying to pick up a few components before this week end. I am hoping to pick up some TI DACs and digital filers samples.

Ravi and Benks any suggestions
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#8 erstellt: 19. Jul 2005, 06:06

hsmraj schrieb:

Benks, that is correct. I am trying to pick up a few components before this week end. I am hoping to pick up some TI DACs and digital filers samples.

Ravi and Benks any suggestions :?

What do u mean..
are u looking to fdesign ur own DAC...
just buying some chips won't do unless u have a sound DAC design.
If u can point me to what u are looking specifically..
I would think the DAC from Peter DAniel is really good..
it uses a cissur logic digital receiver and then feeds that digital signal to a Phillips dual 16 bit DAC...TDA1543

p.s: it has also received a review on 6moons .com , not to mention from the other members at

u can check out his site at
the basic entry kit costs around 100$...but the gold board(PCB) alone costs around 35$...and i can tell u the quality of his boards are top notch..
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#9 erstellt: 19. Jul 2005, 06:52
Sachi, can I get the PCB and components sourced in India?

I was originally looking at the link for my DAC design. I have prior experience working with mixed-signal board design. I am hoping to get some of these components as samples.
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#10 erstellt: 19. Jul 2005, 09:43
Yeah i mean, if u can get the evaluation board of the PCM1794 it would be great...
i have read that a evaluation board from analog devices performs very well too..

If u can get them then all u would need if the power supply and hook it up..
the PCM1794 is around 14$(maybe more on

It would be great if u could source them as samples.
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#11 erstellt: 20. Jul 2005, 09:22
I can suggest some good TI DACs if individual components is what you are looking for. I guess DAC kits would be less of a trouble and might have more features. However an EVM would certainly give the best performance possible, even better than commercial kits or products.
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#12 erstellt: 20. Jul 2005, 09:42

Is it possible to get the EVM? I was not able to find anything beyond the application note. Any idea if we can source this in India and the purchase price? Thanks.

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#13 erstellt: 20. Jul 2005, 13:31
Raj, I could not find a ready assembled EVM for this one. I guess the only way is to build your own from the PDF layouts and BOM list. Will let you know in any case, if I came across a ready EVM, but you probably have as much a chance as I do.
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