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#1 erstellt: 13. Jul 2005, 16:44
Hey Guys, i think i need to make a clarification with regards to my topic on how my Pulz ap was clipping over certain volume. i later on found out that the real culprit was my CD player. it was skippin a beat over a certain volume pardon me for misleadin. the amps in superb condition. recently blasted it at full volume at a farm house for 12 hours straight. it rocked to say the least.

[Beitrag von neckie am 13. Jul 2005, 17:10 bearbeitet]
#2 erstellt: 14. Jul 2005, 04:52
damp your cd player from the bottom..rubberised cork works well.

#3 erstellt: 14. Jul 2005, 09:14
That's good news Neckie. I was planning to use my Pulz to power a subwoofer that I plan to build. I was surprised at your earlier post since my Pulz never clips. I had attributed this to the sleepy music I play (like Norah Jones).
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#4 erstellt: 14. Jul 2005, 12:40
pulz audio seems to be making lot of noises in this forum(good ones ofcourse )I tried the web site but nothing is mentioned about pre-power amp what exactly is the cost, specifications and how is it compared to sonodyne(perfomance).
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#5 erstellt: 14. Jul 2005, 17:13
Hey Manek, i would defientely try to damp my cd player, that would be helpful. Thanks !

Hey pramod the price fo the pre-amp and amp would not cost you more than 14700/- combined. i have tested the norge and sondyne recently, they failed to impress me to say the least. pulz is definetly a class apart.

p.s. Nad is available for 20k !
#6 erstellt: 15. Jul 2005, 03:45
hi guys-
any idea of the price range of pulz speakers?

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