Heading towards holy grail

+A -A
#1 erstellt: 05. Jul 2005, 10:12
Hi! Guys,
I am happy to say that I have personally decided to buy a LINN SONDEK LP12 Reference turntable and its just arrived in customs. Cannot wait to get my hands on it. Hope its in piece though.

Cost me a bomb, about 8000 pounds with the best possible tonearm and cartridge. Cant wait to put my audiophile LPs on it.


#2 erstellt: 05. Jul 2005, 10:16
Prithvi wrote :

just arrived in customs. Cannot wait to get my hands on it. Hope its in piece though.

don't hope start praying..
#3 erstellt: 05. Jul 2005, 12:04
Wow ! I sure would love to listen to this one. Hope it arrives before I go on my holidays on Saturday to Mallu-land !
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