What is the most neutral and musical sounding cd player under 45 k ?

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#1 erstellt: 20. Apr 2007, 16:57
What is the most neutral and musical sounding cd player under 45 k ?
What have you guys found to be the best in this budget ? The key word is ‘Neutral”. The player which will take you closer to the performance. Senior audiophiles who have moved towards high end Dacs / transports must have come across some really high-value players in this range somewhere along the way. Any thoughts ?
What is the general take on Rega Players ?

[Beitrag von square_wave am 20. Apr 2007, 16:59 bearbeitet]
#2 erstellt: 21. Apr 2007, 07:04
rega players I like....but sadly not available. neutral ??? i'm not so sure but very enjoyable. I did like the consonance cdp as well but thats more expensive.

there has been some gossip about onkyo Dx-7555 cdp. Extremely low jitter clocks etc etc....they are supposed to do well in the US.

Not much to read about on the net except maybe an article in TAS but worth a shot as the build quality is very good and they are supposed to have used quite heavy duty parts.

I tried to search this player out in bombay but no luck but its on the onkyo india site. Anybody heard it ?

Cyrus cdp's may fit your bill but you may have to pay extra.

#3 erstellt: 21. Apr 2007, 08:09
I am yet to come across a CDP that meets your specification at 45K price level. Most of them mask a lot of details and compress the dynamics to achieve the musicality and the so called "Neutral" ones spit out a lot of digital junkies.

Cyrus CD and Perreaux CD 1P are two players that I have heard and they meets one part of your specs but the price point is more than double.

Been hearing positive news about some of the chineese CDP's, Raysonic, consonance, Xindak etc.

#4 erstellt: 21. Apr 2007, 13:19
at that price range the best option might be to go the DAC way and use your existing CDP as a transport.

Benchmark/Lavry etc are available in that range and may be your best bet..
#5 erstellt: 22. Apr 2007, 05:42

Arj schrieb:
at that price range the best option might be to go the DAC way and use your existing CDP as a transport.

Benchmark/Lavry etc are available in that range and may be your best bet..

#6 erstellt: 22. Apr 2007, 12:27

#7 erstellt: 22. Apr 2007, 15:44
Looks like we have two options now.

a.A DAC plus a decent entry level player as a transport.
b.Diy transport and a decent DAC.

Option “b” although the best looks slightly expensive. For option A what would be a player with good transport ?
#8 erstellt: 23. Apr 2007, 11:01
Why restrict the DIY to transport alone...
#9 erstellt: 23. Apr 2007, 12:46
Any cost effective DIY combo in this range ?
#10 erstellt: 24. Apr 2007, 06:37
I do not think there exists a package...and even if it does, they will charge you a nicely.

You need source the transport and DAC separately and put them together. I do not think, it will be very difficult, as you will get the DAC part fully assembled. Even the transport mechanism is available fully assembled.

Friends of mine in Singapore have even sourced fully assembled control boards (from China), that enables the computer cd-drives to be used as transport....i'm sure somthing like this might be available in ebay.

#11 erstellt: 12. Mai 2007, 18:39
right said siva ... there are really awesome systems which are handbuilt with all DIY which are far far superior than what are the existing system available in the market. Example there is a system with siva with Dual scanspeak system which is amazing system the only system which comes ahead is the Manger drivers one.. So dude if you want to go with the best bang for ur buck then listen to what siva says... Belive me its worth of spending every penny if you get a system designed by him.

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