Help Speakers...

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#1 erstellt: 24. Jun 2005, 12:37
Hello, I'd like to change my current loudspeakers (Mission m74i) for some of stand speaker and obtain best sound. My amp is the Hardman Kardon HK-670. My room has 19m2.

My options are:
-Dynaudio 52
-JM.LAB Chorus 707 S
-Quad 12L
-BW 602 S3

I listen To Rock, Blues, Jazz, etc.
Which is a better option?

Excuse me my english.
#2 erstellt: 24. Jun 2005, 16:34
Dear Altamira,

If youe amp has got the power I would go for the Dynaudio 52.


Ist häufiger hier
#3 erstellt: 24. Jun 2005, 23:49
You may want to consider matching the receiver and the speaker. To the best of my knowledge, the HK are reserved sounding and you may want to match them with bright speakers.

You may want to audition the JM Labs. They make their own drivers and are the only ones who have been able to manufacture berelium tweeters. Again as mentioned by Junia, you need to check the power of your reciver.
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