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#1 erstellt: 04. Apr 2005, 19:31
Hi! Guys,
This is for all of us, which includes me too. No intention of hurting anyone.

PLEASE let get serious on this forum, lets stop fooling around. Take for example Benkobi's (His seminar POST) Come on guys we are here to help, but pls see his first post and then see the last post and you will seee there is no revelance at all.

From now on, lets post our posts related to the topic started by anyone of us, instead of something else.

I am a member of the AUDIOENZ (new Zealand audio forum) and they very strictly follow the rules. IF they can why cant we do so,

ManeK, I hope you agree that we need to get this forum to a different level, no fridge noise etc.


PS: Again no offences to anyone.

[Beitrag von Prithvi am 04. Apr 2005, 19:32 bearbeitet]
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#2 erstellt: 04. Apr 2005, 19:55
i donot see what u are pointing at but if its bothering u so muchthen i'lll let uknow that i don't need any help as i have all the material that i need.
i don't want to sound rude but yes i don't need any help on this.
its not like i don't know anything
yeah i may not have haeard all the great stuff u guys have heard but i have an ear for music and well ...
aww just forget it.
i will not pursuee this any longer and will keep all the 'irrelevant 'stuff out of the forum.
and for those of u who wanted to know abt my seminar , my guide asked me to do one on loudspeaker design and that's what i'm doing.
anyone interested please email me as i don't want to continue this as an open post.
Thank you,
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#3 erstellt: 05. Apr 2005, 06:25
Dont go away. I dont think that this forum is a platform only for discussing hi-end audio gear. There are many more aspects to the enjoyment of hi-fi. Anyone can have a good ear and an inclination to join the hi-fi community. Yes, some discussions do go off on tangents and lose their relevance but then what free discussion would not bring about varying opinions?
Besides, i dont think its fair for memebers to chastise others like some self appointed moral guardian. Unless there is foul language/ other socially unacceptable behaviour, one should be free to air his/her views on this forum.
thanks for reading.
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#4 erstellt: 05. Apr 2005, 06:45
guys, I think Prithvi has a point.. and I am partly responsible too, for hijacking benk's post. I did feel that some of the posts go so much offtopic that anybody fishing for info just going by the post titles would not be able to find what they want. And think of all those people who have signed up for emails - they get notifications, open a browser, login, just to see an irrelevant reply. That said, straying alittle bit has its advantages as tidelpower pointed out - it brings fresh perspectives, provides a place for all those tidbits which are too small for a post of their own and keeps the discussions light and interesting - keeps alive the energetic and friendly atmosphere that's special to these forums.
I guess we just need to be careful in not going overboard too much.
#5 erstellt: 05. Apr 2005, 07:00
with due respects to Prithvi, I think this forum is fun becoz of all this.

I mean the number of Audiophiles are few and very very few who are very very serious !

Prithvi, additionally the Audioenz forum IS a bit boring

the Hi fi choice forum is fun becoz people have fun and also put in a few interesting views.

And benks I feel you have made a great progress in the past few months and hence keep the enthu up. It is great that at so young an age you are able to get into so interesting a field. I wish I did..i did not even know that something like this existed !

prithvi is an exception and I can understand his frustration as he is a true blue audiophile who built his first amp at an age where I did not even understand good his frustration is understandable.

Hope i have not rubbed anyone the wrong way..Am caought up in too many things these days to spend some time here and I miss my speakers despeately..wish I had not sold them so early .

am tweaking positions with a Bose Acoustimass on my setup and am pretty surprised at the results ! they are not too bad compared to what i expected
#6 erstellt: 05. Apr 2005, 07:36
Seriousness .... dont we have enough of that while at work?

I dont know much about other Hifi forums but do belive in tolerance, willingness to compromise and keep the group together is what makes a forum a place where you would like to activly participate in a and put in your views.

Do we start and stop a conversation on single subject with our friends ? we carry on from one subject to other which in most cases will be related.

A thread that is active for a long time will have more people contributing to it and it is natural that the discussion may not be on the original subject.

So strongly feel that "if they do we do" kind of attitude wont take us far.
#7 erstellt: 05. Apr 2005, 07:38
Hi Prithvi,

Don’t mean any offence, but if your post refers to the straying away from the original content of threads, then you may have a point.

However, if you mean that light-hearted remarks have no place here and should be eliminated, then I am afraid the forum would become a dull and dreary place to hang around on.

Since you have a commercial interest in this activity, you may like to keep things serious, but to most of us here, hifi is a hobby, and to be enjoyed in as many ways as possible…..
#8 erstellt: 05. Apr 2005, 07:47
I too agree with prithvi. This is a stereo forum. Let’s keep the discussion forum specific so that all of us can learn something from the experienced and from other's experiences. Not all have lot of free time to spend on the net, but when we do, let’s get something meaningful from here.
I am a 3D gamer and I have membership on some popular 3d digital sculpting forums. Nobody allows frivolous or “off topic” stuff in there. If it is “off topic”, it gets moved to where it belongs. That is what makes those forums interesting and worthwhile.
I think we have a section called “Off Topic” to post fun stuff.
#9 erstellt: 05. Apr 2005, 07:51 hit the bulls eye ..yup I have also contributed to some extent of nonsense ....yes guys lets make this place more intersting and learning involved. ...transfer of knowledge mutually. ....and lets post HT related stuff in Surround and stereo stuff only in stereo , other topics in Off topics and make it tidy instead of jumbling topics........hope fellow members agree to my humble suggestion

have i left anything unsaid

[Beitrag von SUB_BOSS am 05. Apr 2005, 07:54 bearbeitet]
#10 erstellt: 05. Apr 2005, 07:53
I agree with Prithvi and more so with Ravi, it is our forum and we got to take care of it in all sense...With due respect to all, there is no harm if we just keep a light check on ourselves to avoid going a bit more stray. I mean we can always see that its more informative (in the right direction) to the readers maintaining its integrity and purpose. Hope that should be more than acceptable to all those who love this forum.
#11 erstellt: 05. Apr 2005, 07:57
Arj wrote :

[quote]Am caought up in too many things these days to spend some time here and I miss my speakers despeately..wish I had not sold them so early .

Makes me more proud about my Klipsch.thanks for your beautiful maintenance

[Beitrag von SUB_BOSS am 05. Apr 2005, 08:00 bearbeitet]
#12 erstellt: 05. Apr 2005, 08:10

My mailbox today was quite flodded with e-mails with reference to this post. Reading the views of members here and e-mails sent I think the following can be done :

1) Lets all try as much as possible to stick to the Topic/Thread content and ofcourse try and stick to hi-fi as a general topic. Let queries/posts for stereo be in the stereo section and the same for multichannel as there is a separate multichannel section.

2) All questions/threads related to the hobby, industry and seminars are more than welcome. Benks, loudspeaker design is a great topic and I have a few links I can share with you on that as I am myself on a DIY speaker project. Man I have quite some things to share with you. I'm sure there arew others on the forum who are as kicked about your project as you are So cheer up

3) Humour is always and will always be welcome but in limits. Lets not get personal. I'm sure you all agree.

4) Please do not type stuff in CAPITALS if you dont mean to shout. Capitals are also considered rude on the internet so use them wisely if you have to.

5) Please do not post any threads concerning commercial transactions of hi-fi goods. Please use the Private Message feature for the same.

6) If for some reason one does not like a thread or its contents please be civil in letting the person know and better still is the "Private Message" feature for the same as far as possible.

7) I am putting my foot down on this last one though : Anyone found to be insensitive to other peoples feelings or agressively not tolerant of others opinions, have no place on this forum and will be dealt with accordingly. We want to encourage a healthy discussion and not a flame war.

Cheers to all

#13 erstellt: 05. Apr 2005, 08:20
I think there is so much to gain if we succeed in keeping this forum clean and meaningful. Unless you keep the forum dedicated to the subject, not many industry leaders and experienced audiophiles will join in. They will find discussions very casual and frivolous. If they don't join, how will you learn? Stereo is a black art. Let more experienced join the fold and let us learn.
#14 erstellt: 05. Apr 2005, 08:30
square wave wrote :

I think there is so much to gain if we succeed in keeping this forum clean and meaningful. Unless you keep the forum dedicated to the subject, not many industry leaders and experienced audiophiles will join in. They will find discussions very casual and frivolous. If they don't join, how will you learn? Stereo is a black art. Let more experienced join the fold and let us learn.

Manek wrote :

1) Lets all try as much as possible to stick to the Topic/Thread content and ofcourse try and stick to hi-fi as a general topic. Let queries/posts for stereo be in the stereo section and the same for multichannel as there is a separate multichannel section.

all mean the same but diffrent ways of expressing....
Ist häufiger hier
#15 erstellt: 05. Apr 2005, 10:54
Just a question - is it practical to keep HT separate from stereo? Afterall there is 90% overlap - whatever discussion benefits for stereo would benefit for HT as well and vice versa. HT might be a superset with a little content (10%) like software formats, video, surround positioning etc falling exclusively under it. If a post falls in the 90% common category, where would somebody post it? It would get segmented anyway unless there are clear rules with a listing of categories and guidelines that everybody aligns on - not practical.

Until now I found HT is not used much and almost all posts go to stereo - this I feel is fine as almost everybody is interested in both and much of it is common.
#16 erstellt: 05. Apr 2005, 11:47

We leave it to the discretion of the poster to choose where he wants to post his queries. If its a query only for multichannel audio/video he has a separate section. If the query is for stereo he has a separate section. If his query is related more towards multichannel audio and less for stereo then I guess he should post in multichannel and vice versa. I dont think its too complicated....I think the reason why people post all sorts of posts in the stereo section is becuase there is quite a lot of activity there. Once posts are put in their proper places and forum members answer to them in their respective sections then one should not have much of an issue.

For example in audio asylum there are sections called "speakers" and "planars". sometimes there are posts and queries for planar speakers in the "speakers section" even though there is a separate "planar" section dedicated to planar speakers within the speaker section. The moderators and admins would love it if the post were in the planar section.

#17 erstellt: 05. Apr 2005, 12:23
He Ben,
You got it totally wrong man. Take ur post for help on your seminar.(nothing wrong about it) Now there were many people who wanted to help you, but end of the topic did you see where your asking for help topic got too? It just went haywire, no where did it concern your topic. Do you get what I am trying to tell you.

What I said was that people drifted from the main objective of helping you for the seminar and other topics came in between you help for the seminar.

All I am saying is if a person starts a topic and people post on that topic, pls make sure that the post are in answer to that topic and not something else.


#18 erstellt: 05. Apr 2005, 12:29

ravi schrieb:
guys, I think Prithvi has a point.. and I am partly responsible too, for hijacking benk's post. I did feel that some of the posts go so much offtopic that anybody fishing for info just going by the post titles would not be able to find what they want. And think of all those people who have signed up for emails - they get notifications, open a browser, login, just to see an irrelevant reply. That said, straying alittle bit has its advantages as tidelpower pointed out - it brings fresh perspectives, provides a place for all those tidbits which are too small for a post of their own and keeps the discussions light and interesting - keeps alive the energetic and friendly atmosphere that's special to these forums.
I guess we just need to be careful in not going overboard too much.

Ur absolutely correct. Not blaming you or anyone, just asking for some serious posts to serious topics.

For example if there is a serious post on electrostatic spks, then let all post be revelant to it. period, no one should post in between that his /her amp is giving problem etc.

End of the day we are all trying to get this forum to another level. If we were not passionate nor serious then we should not be here posting non-topic posts.


#19 erstellt: 05. Apr 2005, 12:39

big-ears schrieb:
Hi Prithvi,

Don’t mean any offence, but if your post refers to the straying away from the original content of threads, then you may have a point.

However, if you mean that light-hearted remarks have no place here and should be eliminated, then I am afraid the forum would become a dull and dreary place to hang around on.

Since you have a commercial interest in this activity, you may like to keep things serious, but to most of us here, hifi is a hobby, and to be enjoyed in as many ways as possible…..

Hi! Big ears,
Yes All I want is posts must not stray away from the original content of threads, I hope this is not too much for asking the forum members.The aspect of my involvement of being a commercial member or a passive member does not arise.

Yes this forum is fun but lets get things right too.


#20 erstellt: 05. Apr 2005, 13:02

Manek schrieb:

We leave it to the discretion of the poster to choose where he wants to post his queries. If its a query only for multichannel audio/video he has a separate section. If the query is for stereo he has a separate section. If his query is related more towards multichannel audio and less for stereo then I guess he should post in multichannel and vice versa. I dont think its too complicated....I think the reason why people post all sorts of posts in the stereo section is becuase there is quite a lot of activity there. Once posts are put in their proper places and forum members answer to them in their respective sections then one should not have much of an issue.

For example in audio asylum there are sections called "speakers" and "planars". sometimes there are posts and queries for planar speakers in the "speakers section" even though there is a separate "planar" section dedicated to planar speakers within the speaker section. The moderators and admins would love it if the post were in the planar section.


Yes Manek,
What you say must be done from now on. Those who want to post on HT can do so in SURROUND and those for 2-channel in the STEREO. Will make life easier for all of us.
#21 erstellt: 05. Apr 2005, 15:15
Dear All,

The way I see things....this forum is quite a charm and the members are very enthusiastic. Thats what makes this forum so special. Some of us are noivices, including me, and some experienced. a lot of us are in the middle too but thats what makes this place so much fun to be.

In a nutshell lets all try our best to stick to the topic of the post. Lets make this a more organised and a fun place for all to hang out.


#22 erstellt: 05. Apr 2005, 15:48
I second, third and fourth Manek!!
#23 erstellt: 05. Apr 2005, 17:00
yes manek,
i too fifth it after jeeves first, second and third and fourth.

Hey jeeves we need more posts from you. ur too quite.
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#24 erstellt: 05. Apr 2005, 22:58

Prithvi schrieb:
He Ben,
You got it totally wrong man. Take ur post for help on your seminar.(nothing wrong about it) Now there were many people who wanted to help you, but end of the topic did you see where your asking for help topic got too? It just went haywire, no where did it concern your topic. Do you get what I am trying to tell you.

What I said was that people drifted from the main objective of helping you for the seminar and other topics came in between you help for the seminar.

All I am saying is if a person starts a topic and people post on that topic, pls make sure that the post are in answer to that topic and not something else.



Well, let me see if i can get this right.
what u are saying is true.
there are some posts in the thread which donot concern the topic.
but that's not my fault.
if u se all my posts are relevant to the topic .
unless i am misreading u it seems the only way i can see to it there are no 'irrelevant' posts on the thread is to assert myself on my fellow members and prevent them from not posting something other than what's relevant to the topic.
how do u expect me to do that? as i sure welll know that in a real conversation other topics come inbetween. u can't help that and this forum is like a real conversation , u cannot tie somebody down.
now that this issue has come to the forefront maybe we could decide not to do so, but then as someone said this would not be a natural conversation. i have been taking part in audio forums for close to 5 years now and believe me almost all the posts go out of track. only if the thread seems to be losing complete relevance(i mean complete) does the moderator step in and say that he is moving the thread to its appropriate section(after cautioning the members to get back on track).
we are all trying to make this forum a better one. so let there be no doubts about that. its not like some of us are on this forum to destroy it.
teh idead of posting'lets make this forum a better one' is ridiculous. no one's trying to take it apart. mistakes happen, but they aer never intentional.

partly its my fault as i had a very bad day and when i saw Prithvi's post regarding my thread i got pissed off(i'm very short tempered). i know it was very unprofessional of me but i let myself go out of control.
but i do reiterate my stand that threads do go out of track and that's the beauty of it. yeah, it can be annoying but u can't help it unless there are strong and efective forum rules.
take for example, they have a thread called the sinbin where they quarantine members for a stipulated amount of time depending on the severity of the 'crime'.
i'm not suggesting that we ape them, i'm only saying that with some strong rules about the kind of posts a member has to do and abide by, we can move towards a better forum.
maybe the moderator can reprimand the offending member by sending him a strong messge.

but, let me tell u this. over the 5 years that i have spent in forums i have seen very few Indians and it is fortunate that we haev a forum like this and as arj says, there are very few people who are interested in this field and heavy handedness may be counter productive.

regaring the gaming forums that sq_wv refers to. i and some of my friends do follow the posts on these forums(not too regularly) .but from what i have seen, the forums are full of obscenities and offending remarks. i have even come across a post where a person asking for some basic help got such a reply,forget about helping him, he actually got instructions which would format his hard disk and the poor chap ended up doing so . yeah maybe the gamer developing forums are more strict but the ones i have been to are a free for all and no holds barred types. so let's not compare them with our forum.

there are quite a few well learned people in this forum. without pointing anyone out , they need to impart their knowledge in a humble and understanding way. they need to teach like how teachers should. with patience, with compassion and with mutual respect. i know because both my parents are lecturers and each have 30 years of experience.

i have never been a person who hurts someone. but if i have done so now, then please understand that it was not my intention.
this has already been a long post and hope that this thread will bring us closer together as a community and not otherwise. i will continue this tomorrow, maybe.
thank u for bearing with me ,

#25 erstellt: 06. Apr 2005, 07:24
lets bury the hatchet guys....many live in the same city...and as Arj mentioned very few serious audiophiles(i'm not yet one).....I realised the relevance of this forum when I could own stuff what I used to see on net....I'm learning a lot from fellow members.....and I really enjoy Bigears humour breaks....
#26 erstellt: 08. Apr 2005, 10:46
humour breaks or humour brakes..........phffffffffhehehhahahahohoho . Well well dear old chaps this is what i meant to tell all initially and got dissappointed. now it's good that you have realised lets see some seriousness. umph
#27 erstellt: 08. Apr 2005, 13:01
TROJAN_HORSE, you write this comment and then absolutely contradict yourself in the next two
#28 erstellt: 08. Apr 2005, 14:12

We can't blame him for horsing around....

#29 erstellt: 08. Apr 2005, 15:02
Hey TJ welcome back, nice to have u back.
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