Jamo E855 auditioned...

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#1 erstellt: 21. Mrz 2005, 11:37
Ok.....this weekend I had been to the Jamo showroom (cinebels) here in blore. This was my second visit...Last time I had been there to check out the E670 and E855 but they were out of stock, then I had seen the E850 which I thought would be very close to E855, but then I didnt like them a lot because they lacked Bass extension to my ears.
But this time both speakers were available for a side-by-side comparo. Man, the E855 though looked lean was easily beating the heavy E670....the soundsatging of E670 was a bit better to my ears but then it could easily boom even in flat settings in many cases while the E855 simply held to its own even when I increased the Bass levels from the amp. The E855 sounded deep and clear with clear mids. High frquency was crispy in both so I have nothing to mention. The guy was using Denon Stereo amps with 75w per channel. I played Hotel California and Dire Straits to audition them.
The price of the speaker is 43250 and the matching Center speaker is 20k
The dealer is quoting 52k for the combo.
Now I have two shortlisted speakers the Kef Q5 (which still rules in my mind) and the Jamo E855.
Now I got to check out Acoustics Portrait also.
#2 erstellt: 22. Mrz 2005, 09:35
ABhi pani are u in the process of buying a HT or stereo setup?. have you considered Acoustic energy, monitor audio or JBL.Definitive tech have some good floor standers at 45k,
#3 erstellt: 22. Mrz 2005, 10:25
I have already auditioned JBLs (their Northridge series), they sounded a bit harsh to my ears and felt more like Party stuff than Home entertainment.....My project is a HT + Stereo Combo, so my primary focus is on Towers first (as my perfect Stereo component), as soon as I am over with that I will look for the matching centers and a AVR, then I would finally add up a Stereo Amp later in the row....For the rears I would use my exsisting Sonodyne Bookshelves for now.

I will be auditioning Acoustics Energy shortly at Prithvi's place; dont know where to audition Monitor audio, Deftechs I know are available with one guy in Blore, got to check out if he has anything for audition or works on Order basis.
Other Brands yet to audition are Dali and Klipsch.
#4 erstellt: 22. Mrz 2005, 10:44
Man if you feel JBL is harsh then Klipsch is loud and spits on your face. check out dali, but where are u demoing Dali?
#5 erstellt: 22. Mrz 2005, 15:47
Prithvi has Dali...
#6 erstellt: 23. Mrz 2005, 09:45
Are you planning to buy Dali??
#7 erstellt: 23. Mrz 2005, 10:02
I will be auditioning them soon and if they are as good or better then why not ?
#8 erstellt: 23. Mrz 2005, 11:38
What amplifier have you decided to buy?
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