Jamo E650 and E855 auditioned

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#1 erstellt: 03. Feb 2005, 07:02
Hi Guys...Good Morning,
Yesterday I couldnt resist myself anymore and went to Cinebels to audition the Jamos. To my dissapointment they didnt have the E670 in stock for demo. But yes the E650 and E855 were there.
Now Manek,
You were right that the E855 (43k) has a lot more detailing in sound. I compared it with E650 (34k). The E650 performed well for low frequencies but was boomy at times (though rarely) but the E855 was not at all boomy. But then the Bass appeal of E855 didnt convince me, atleast not enough to my ears, my kind of music as well as my budget. I felt that for that kind of detailing the diamond 8.4 was great at 22k . But yes I am not very convinced with E650 either, They did have a deeper bass but didnt handle them stably at higher volumes, the pleasure seemed to be lost when the volume was increased beyond 50%. They used Denon 1055 (What I remember) stereo amp for the demo. I could have certainly come to a conclusion if I could have auditioned the E670 which still rules my mind and ears...sadly they will be available only next week at cinebels . In the mean time the Total Sound guy has informed me that he has got the Wharfdale KH 2210 series tower speakers (37k), I will check them out...

One more thing, the E855 is rated to go as low as 37hz whereas the E650 is rated to go only upto 40 hz even then the E650 had a deeper and richer Bass, how is it ?? If that is the case then does that mean that a few hz doesnt matter or is it not audible to our ears....whats the funda that makes these things significant enough ?? Even the Sonodyne towers 2605 goes only upto 45hz but has a tighter and deeper bass than diamond 8.4s which is said to go upto 30hz ?? Yeh kya chakkar hai bhai ??? Someone tell me...
#2 erstellt: 03. Feb 2005, 07:23
Its not the Hz, but the SPL available at that freq which is important.

Could also be that the sound you are hearing is not the actual freq but its harmonics..
#3 erstellt: 03. Feb 2005, 07:51
Hi Arj,
Can you just detail into what you actually mean to say ?? What is SPL ?? What do you exactly mean by saying that we are listening to "HARMONICS" . Please detail into it with an example if possible ?????
#4 erstellt: 03. Feb 2005, 09:50
Ok here it goes abhi......I'll be brutally honest...no offence meant to anyone.
The E855 obviously has cleaner bass without the overhang and muddiness of the E670/650. That I am sure off. People often mistake clean bass for no bass or lack of it. We are so used to hearing the boom and tizz of the jap/chinese/korean all-in-one systems that sometimes we dont recognise good bass when it slaps us in the face. Its happened to me many years ago and I am not ashamed to admit it, that's how I learnt.

Most mass market speakers are tweaked to accentuate bass at a certain frequency to give you the feeling that there is more bass coming out of that speakers....its not really so. I honestly feel you have fallen for that trick. BTW the E855 are higher up on the jamo speaker value chain than the E670 so there must be some truth in it

Abhi, to my ears the E855 is a good speaker, far better balanced than the E670 can ever hope to be. It also depends on the amp cabes and placement. You have my verdict between the two.

abhi if you still have any more questions....shoot !

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