Compare: Quad 22L Vs Jamo E875 Vs Wharfedale Evo30
1. Quad 22L (62.5 %, 10 Stimmen)
2. Jamo E875 (37.5 %, 6 Stimmen)
(Zum Abstimmen müssen Sie eingeloggt sein)

Compare: Quad 22L Vs Jamo E875 Vs Wharfedale Evo30

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#1 erstellt: 16. Apr 2005, 19:11
Hi all,
I'm looking for a 5.1 set for my Pioneer Elite VSX-54TX. So far I audioned Jamo E670, E855 & E875, B&W 603S3, 604S3, Quad 22l, Wharfedale Evo 30. My personal choice is 1. Quad 22L, 2. Jamo E875 3. Wharfedale Evo30. I took B&W out of my list being too expensive for the same sound quality as others produce. I found Quad 22L produces more natural sound at the same time crisp and clear. Jamo e875 is way ahead of E670 and E855. The low and high are very clear and rich. What do you think the right choice?
#2 erstellt: 17. Apr 2005, 06:15
Hi audio_frolic,
What music you normally listen to ? Let us know more about your tastes/preferences of music and HiFi components.
#3 erstellt: 17. Apr 2005, 08:43
80% of the time I would be listening to music ( the main reason I need good front speakers ). I like carnatic classical, instrumental, slow rock etc. I prefer drama over action or sci-fi in movies.
#4 erstellt: 17. Apr 2005, 12:10
22L has my vote. Glad you gave up on the 603S3. quad 22l definately a better bet.

#5 erstellt: 17. Apr 2005, 16:06
I vote for Jamo E875...Terrific for the price. If I am not wrong the E875 is priced at 54k and the Quad 22L is around 72k...Correct me if I am wrong...
#6 erstellt: 17. Apr 2005, 16:32
Here is the price list...( Bangalore )
Quad 22L - 75,000
Jamo E875 - 60,000
Wharfedale Evo30 - 50,000 ( approx)
B&W 604S3 - 117,200
#7 erstellt: 17. Apr 2005, 16:56
Where are you getting the speakers from ? I mean who are the respective dealers ?
For wharfdale and Quad I think it is Total Sound
For Jamo I think it is Cinebels.
Please specify if are getting from other dealers

Did you try any bargains ?
#8 erstellt: 17. Apr 2005, 17:16
you are right. I'm getting Jamo from Cinebels. Distributor for Quad and Wharfedale is decibels Inc ( Gem Plaza, infantry road. ), I found B&W with XCanvas, again at Gem Plaza. These are the prices they gave as of now. I assume that there will be negotiations when you finalize the deal.
#9 erstellt: 17. Apr 2005, 18:21
That XCanvas guy quotes very high so there is no point discussing on his prices. As far as I know the Jamo guy can easily give you 10% discount and you have to press harder to get more. As far as the decibels are concerned, that guy is nice but never showed intentions to give good discounts so you got to talk to him regarding that.
#10 erstellt: 18. Apr 2005, 03:57
I have not heard the Jamos or the Wharfdales Evo 30 (is this the same model that was given a 5 star rating by What hifi a year or so ago) , so cannot comment on them.

If music is your main thing than go for the Quads 22L.But will your A/V reciever do justice to them ?

BTW the Quads and Wharfdales are both made bythe same company.

#11 erstellt: 18. Apr 2005, 05:58
You are right. Wharfedales EVO 30 and Jamos are award winners always. Yes, Quad and Wharfedale are from the same stable. Part of the InternationalAudio Group, which also owns Wharfedale, Quad is now in Chinese ownership, the ward of two
highly sympathetic brothers, Bernard and Michael Chang, who have poured millions into IAG,building a dedicated seven-storey factory in Shenzhen, PRC, and employing some 700 people. If that makes any difference

If I read correct, majority feels that Quad 22L is a better bet. I too found that way in my testing.

Another question is, is it a good idea to have Front speakers from Quad and remaining ( center, surround and Sub) from Jamo?
#12 erstellt: 18. Apr 2005, 07:20
Why don't you go for a all Quad speaker set up ?

Try the 11Ls in the rear.They also have a center speaker if I'm not mistaken, which you could audition.

On using Jamo, well it all depends on how well they jell together.

"If I read correct, majority feels that Quad 22L is a better bet. I too found that way in my testing."

Majority here being 3 people.Which means nothing.Please, please trust only your own ears.

While the Quad 22Ls can be used as front speakers,they are I suspect more suited to music.

Anyway take a call...
#13 erstellt: 18. Apr 2005, 11:59
All the three speakers are good choices. The quad would be the most natural sounding speaker of the lot.All of them are voiced differently so choose according to your taste and listening habits.But if you are spending more than 70k on speakers, then there are other contenders like the dynaudio audience 72 etc..
#14 erstellt: 22. Apr 2005, 06:05
The Quad dealer that I was dealing with ( Decibels, Gem Plaza) is not very keen on giving a demo of a complete 5.1 system ( I wanted to listen to center, surround and Sub along with Quad 22L). Does anyone know any other Quad dealer at Bangalore? I might decide on Jamo D590 or E875 if I don't find a better place to check Quad.
#15 erstellt: 22. Apr 2005, 06:37
Man D590 is awesome, much better than E875 also but they are priced around 82k. Are you willing to spend that much ?
#16 erstellt: 22. Apr 2005, 07:36
Yeah, I do agree that it is a big investment. But, I don't mind that investment if D590 is value for that big buck
#17 erstellt: 22. Apr 2005, 09:52
For that much you can very well try other Brands like Cadence Avitas, Kef Q7(69k but the profx guy give 12% discount on them), Dynaudio Audience 52/72 and also the Dali Piano series (If I am not wrong).

They also sound different but great in its own territory.

Manek, Prithvi, Arj etc can give a more vivid picture about them.
Ist häufiger hier
#18 erstellt: 22. Apr 2005, 09:59
I think there is another dealer close to the Indiranagar flyover.
He deals with Wharfs. Not too sure about Quad.
You can try it out.
I cant recollect his name.
From Inner ring road...go straight towards Indiranagar. The first junction after the flyover, to the left. He also deals with some projectors etc.
-- Viv
Ist häufiger hier
#19 erstellt: 22. Apr 2005, 10:03
managed to get the address. try your luck

4002, 100 feet road,
Hal IInd stage, Indiranagar,
Bangalore - 560 038.
Tel: 25359040/50, 25355165

-- Viv
#20 erstellt: 22. Apr 2005, 10:45
Thanks VLV. I'll check out with them.

Do you know if we have distributors at Bangalore for the brands you mentioned? I know the pro-fx guy at barton center, MGRoad.
#21 erstellt: 22. Apr 2005, 11:33
Yes Prithvi deals in DynAudio and Dali. He is a member of this forum if you know. Send him a PM, his contact no is 9844094669. Infact he can also suggest you other brands/speakers in this price range.
#22 erstellt: 22. Apr 2005, 17:41
I went around for one more round of auditioning today, and man, i coudn't resist but settled the deal on D590 with E6 add ons and E6510 or E8 ( depends on availability ) sub. D590 is awesome. I should say that I found it better than Quad 22L.
Thanks to you all for your comments and suggestions.
#23 erstellt: 25. Apr 2005, 04:35
Ho much is the dealer quoting ? What is the discount he is giving?
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