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#51 erstellt: 04. Feb 2005, 15:38

Pretty unfair. I mean, they can sit with us and watch movies as well as listen to music on our prized systems.

Can you see yourself wearing their jewelry?
#52 erstellt: 04. Feb 2005, 15:50
yup you hit the bulls eye..they want the most expensive of make up kits with which i could buy good SACD's.or if i had saved up maybe i could've afforded a good amp years ago....they want food at good restaurants and when they go there they are worried about lipstick draining away or makeup getting disturbed and you end up eating chicken take them to shopping and ooooh my goodness they make you wait for hours ....
#53 erstellt: 04. Feb 2005, 15:52
But, getting serious, how much does one of the JBL ESC systems cost in Bombay?
#54 erstellt: 04. Feb 2005, 15:53

Now that we know what you have been putting up with, no wonder all your hair has turned gray!!
#55 erstellt: 04. Feb 2005, 16:10
hey big ears not all hair, but almost....
#56 erstellt: 05. Feb 2005, 08:29
In that case you should consider yourself lucky!

I have LOST all of mine
#57 erstellt: 05. Feb 2005, 09:16
and thats why I keep telling you makes no sense trying to make wives understand and share in our hobby
(though a friend of mine has successfully converted his wife into an avid audiophile..the lucky so and so.

I have the perfect formula. When one save's up for any of my music or components one also save's up for a piece of jewelry for the wives. A big box for you and a small shiny one for the wife and both live happily ever after....perfect fairy tale ending !

#58 erstellt: 05. Feb 2005, 09:37
But, never let them know the real cost of your hi-fi toys.

You could have a battle royale on your hands if you did so.
#59 erstellt: 05. Feb 2005, 10:39
big are right....always tell them their jewelry is far more expensive or that the equipment is used and a great deal at a cheap price.....reason...."someone is settling abroad and is getting rid of his stuff cheap!"

#60 erstellt: 06. Feb 2005, 09:01
Of course, a Bose fan and his wife could achieve marital bliss by settling for the "Jewel Cubes"
#61 erstellt: 07. Feb 2005, 02:21
somebody's living in Bombay?
Just where I was born.
#62 erstellt: 07. Feb 2005, 08:25
Nice to know that!

#63 erstellt: 07. Feb 2005, 11:02
he he or you can make it clear in the beginning that music's the one thing you're crazy about and let her have the run of the rest of the home on opinions and decisions ranging from home furnishing to whatever.

as long as you make space for your music system. that's my way

btw way manek i remember discussing this earlier when i had first joined. happy to tell you the girlfriend is looking forward to the system almost as much as me. looks on me as a wayward boy with a rather expensive toy but as long as i restrict myself to the system i'm set for life she's used to me bantering around astronomical sums for a piddly music system. hic... hic.... cheers! told her she could decide the decor the furnishing and whatever else. perfect deal both of us happy!
#64 erstellt: 07. Feb 2005, 11:53
Stevie boy, do you have stars in your eyes?

Just wait till your girl becomes your wife and takes her first shot at changing the décor. The first thing in her cross- hairs would be your prized large full range audiophile floor-standers. Then that ‘ugly’ looking black sub capable of going down to 12 hz. Then that ‘dumb’ rack containing your prized 500 wpc mono blocks. And so on…

Stevie, whilst you still have the chance, better get it amended to “You can change the décor as you like PROVIDED you don’t mess with my audio equipment”…
#65 erstellt: 07. Feb 2005, 12:21
stevie boy.women are diffrent before marriage....and as you suggested that let her have the run of the rest of the home on opinions and decisions ranging from home furnishing to whatever. etc you dn't let her ,she takes it by default.... so go ahead and get it ....the blabber goes on n she gets tired.......but as manek suggested remember the jewel box.or she'll have a box ready for you croak
P.S. when i refer to ''she'' it's not my wife in particualr.I meant women

[Beitrag von SUB_BOSS am 07. Feb 2005, 12:22 bearbeitet]
#66 erstellt: 07. Feb 2005, 15:53
he he. women are real 'drivers' wot say? yeah big ears good advice. gotta put in the terms and conditions otherwise my speakers will probably end up being nice flower vase stands! i know sub boss, sigh. maybe they should just open combo shops for our convenience... music and diamonds.. sigh again... me gonna enjoy mah freedom while i can
#67 erstellt: 08. Feb 2005, 07:58
Well it depends on how you involve them. Women usually have a keener sense of hearing and have a freq range extending above 20Khz.
My wife can hear differences in my system much more easily than I can..Get them involved from the very beginning and enjoy the music more !
#68 erstellt: 08. Feb 2005, 08:25
yep...the truth is that women can generally hear better than men and they do have extended hearing capabilities.

I did cart my wife along for some key auditions and asked her to choose on two counts....first she hears better than me and two...she is a music scholar...she knows music...she too picked the Cadence aritas so I had ample ratification that i was making the right choice.

#69 erstellt: 08. Feb 2005, 18:21
I wondered why this topic is highlighting as 'HOT' on the title I know . The whole discussion sounded like a 9.1 channel HT with STHX (super THX) effect where everyone is saying almost the same thing in a different manner... BTW I am also married (newbie) .
#70 erstellt: 08. Feb 2005, 20:11
Women hear better because they don't get noise induced hearing loss. They are never surrounded by noise - infact they surround you with it ...
#71 erstellt: 09. Feb 2005, 07:52
Dhawan....are you not the brave one of the're luck there are no women on this forum yet
or are they

#72 erstellt: 09. Feb 2005, 07:53
I meant

Dhawan....are you the brave one of the're lucky there are no women on this forum yet
or are they

#73 erstellt: 09. Feb 2005, 08:12
If women would have been on this forum it would have to be renamed as and there would be solid gossips
#74 erstellt: 09. Feb 2005, 08:56
actually with their mania and knack for 'matching stuff' clothes with earrings et al, i'm sure most women would end up with a far better match in a music system than most of us. and it would be far better matched aesthetically too! trust me they'd go to far greater lengths to source that amp in the silver color from timbuktu rather than settle for the same black dull version available easily here!

[Beitrag von stevieboy am 09. Feb 2005, 08:59 bearbeitet]
#75 erstellt: 14. Feb 2005, 09:57
yup if they had some audiophile sense they would audition for days and match the stuff to perfection...but the LCD display on a Pioneer looks much better than how a ReGA sounds....or a Bose cube looks cuter than a purposeful Mordaunt short book shelves at the same price......yes they are good - when you have decided to choose between two identical components and let her choose the looks between the two.......beleive me you get the looker...hahaha ...madam happy as well as you...umph
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