Voltage Converter for nad320bee amplifier.

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#1 erstellt: 18. Jan 2005, 00:43
If I use a voltage converter for the nad320bee amplifier,
Is there any resolution for the loss of sound quality that will be happen.
How about using a Monster Home Theatre PowerCenter HTS 800 with Clean Power Stage 1 v.2.0(Will it solve the problem)
Thanks in advance.

Thanks and Regards,
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#2 erstellt: 18. Jan 2005, 11:30

I may missed it but the link does not say whether it can convert 220V back to 110V.
Have you tried ordering the 220V NAD through a local dealer or website? Try Richer Sounds (UK site) - they have a good website though I am not sure what it will cost you for shipping.

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