Blue Jeans Cables

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#1 erstellt: 19. Okt 2006, 15:18
Could someone give a review on Blue Jeans Interconnects?

The price looks reasonable and their website seems to give honest opinions unlike the Monster or AudioQuest.
#2 erstellt: 20. Okt 2006, 02:41
I have tried an interconnect with the Belden 1505F (not from Blue Jean though ) that they recommend for Interconnect...which is good interms of both performance and bang-for-buck. They also have a custom made Belden cable, which is more expensive...and is proabably better than 1505F.

However, i'm not particularly found of the cheaper 5T00 speaker cable that Blue-Jean sells. The Beldel 8470 is a better choice for home-audio use (slightly more expensive than 5T00). The 8470 is a very popular cable in Singapore...and many prefer it over budget/mid-priced cables from the likes of QED. If you are staying abroad right now...might as well buy 30-50 mtr of this cable for your HT.

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#3 erstellt: 20. Okt 2006, 12:46
The Belden 8470 is a 16 Gauge speaker cable.
Is there any particular guage you would recommend?
#4 erstellt: 23. Okt 2006, 02:38
Sorry the cable was 8740 and NOT 8470.

I will not worry Guage. My reference cable is about quarter the thickness of 8470...


[Beitrag von sivat am 23. Okt 2006, 02:38 bearbeitet]
#5 erstellt: 25. Okt 2006, 04:58
I finally located the cable. The correct number is 8471

Sorry...I'm very bad at remembering numbers. As i'm typing this message with the cable in one hand, i'm sure that i will not change the number again

[Beitrag von sivat am 25. Okt 2006, 04:59 bearbeitet]
#6 erstellt: 25. Okt 2006, 06:17
Hi Siva,
How are these 8471 cables compared to the CAT-5 braided ones ? Are they available in India ?
#7 erstellt: 25. Okt 2006, 07:39
The cat-5 is definetly a better bet than long as your amp does not ossillate due to the higher capacitance.

The 8471 is considered to be better than most "audiophile" brand speaker cable costing a few hunderd Rs. per meter.

Not sure whether 8471 is sold in India. You might want to check with the local distributor. I bought mine in Singapore for around SGD.1.9 per meter (around Rs.55 per meter) wire up my HT setup.

If someone wants to try...i can loan the cables for a couple of days. Maybe those intrested can group together and request the local distributor to get it for you...

#8 erstellt: 25. Okt 2006, 07:41

The cat-5 is definetly a better bet than long as your amp does not ossillate due to the higher capacitance.

How does one identify if the amp is moving into oscillation or on the verge of it ??
#9 erstellt: 25. Okt 2006, 07:58
Cant tell without an oscilloscope or Spectrum analyser, untill:

1. The amp blows for no apparent reason.

2. The Tweeter blows for no apparent reason

[Beitrag von Amp_Nut am 25. Okt 2006, 07:59 bearbeitet]
#10 erstellt: 25. Okt 2006, 10:09
Does that mean using CAT-5 braided cables could be risky
#11 erstellt: 25. Okt 2006, 10:33

That is why I have not braided my own....
#12 erstellt: 25. Okt 2006, 10:38
Don't worry Abhi. Most modern amps will not have a problem.
Even in rare cases, the worst situation could be a blown fuse. As long as the loudspeaker is professionally made with proper crossover components, your tweeter should also be safe (Amp_Nut, do not scare our Abhi ).

If your amp struggles to drive the speakers bcos of the high-capacitance, your amp might run warmer than usual...or the high's might sound a bit compressed...or ..(its not quite easy to predict the impact)

You can try adding a Zobel network across the speaker terminal. Look out on the web for a white-paper authored by Nelson Pass on the subject of loudspeaker cables

#13 erstellt: 25. Okt 2006, 10:59
Thanks for the info Siva.
Ist häufiger hier
#14 erstellt: 25. Okt 2006, 12:21
Thanx Siva.
If I want to biwire, is a 4 conductor speaker wire required?

(8471 is a 2 conductor cable)
#15 erstellt: 25. Okt 2006, 12:34
Just buy double the length of 8471 .. and i missing something
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