Big Bose Question

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#1 erstellt: 01. Nov 2004, 22:38
BOSE does not get a lot of love here. Deservedly so. It doesn's appear that they are worth listening too at the price they ask. But I am in an interesting position. Price is not a question for Bose. My company was recently aquired by Bose, and so I get a massive discount. I was just preparing to take the plunge into upgrading-in fact, when I moved I gave my old speakers to charity- and was wondering if any of the following Bose products were worht buying at the following prices

301 Series V 135/pair
201 series V 85/pair
251 environmental 175 each
free space environmental 200/pair
acoustimass 16 speaker home set for $630
3 2 1 DVD home entertainment system $600

Thanks for all the help in advance.
#2 erstellt: 02. Nov 2004, 04:44
Acoustimass 16 seems to be a very very good deal for a HT can use it and if you do dont like it will get a sale price of almost double your current price (Do check the same on ebay !)
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