B&W Nautilus

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#1 erstellt: 02. Okt 2003, 16:39

which amplifiers would you recommend for b&w nautilus 801? Are there better speakers than this special one? I love their appearance!

Cold greetings from Moscow

#2 erstellt: 02. Okt 2003, 16:47
hey dagon thats a good one!
heard once sounded good. but try wilson before buying!

good poweramps might be by
krell, accuphase, mcintosh, burmester (good german brand!) or marc levinson.
what do you want to spend?

[Beitrag von sledgehammer am 02. Okt 2003, 16:49 bearbeitet]
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#3 erstellt: 02. Okt 2003, 20:37
Hi Sledge,

I don't want to spend any money, because i just was interested in amplifiers that have enough power to fire Nautilus'.

An old friend told me, that his Accuphase died, when he listened to his B&W too long, because an capacitor exploded so heavily, that it pierced the housing of the amp. - I don't believe that explosion-story, but are amps built by Accuphase so lowsy?

Nogrov Dagon
#4 erstellt: 02. Okt 2003, 20:39
krell mra has enough power to kill all speakers and no speaker will be able to kill it.

accuphase builds great things, maybe your friends one got damaged on its way to russia?
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#5 erstellt: 02. Okt 2003, 20:42
Maybe it has been damaged on its way to my friend, because we have very cold winters in Russia and the supplier drove into a frozen river and drowned when he was on his way to my friend (with the amp).

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#6 erstellt: 02. Okt 2003, 20:43
soorry, too mucg vodka this afternoon, i'll try again tomorrow
#7 erstellt: 02. Okt 2003, 20:43
i hope the amp hadnt drowned too?
Ist häufiger hier
#8 erstellt: 03. Okt 2003, 08:22
Hello Dagon, maybe your friend had drunk a bottle of vodka too much and the next bottle was "drunk" by the accuphase?
#9 erstellt: 05. Nov 2003, 16:11
high end stuff like jeff rowland would never fail.
NAD silver line power amplifiers are also very good and neutral which would drive the nautilus very well...as a matter of fact I have heard them with the nautilus and the whole setup sounds very good and well matched.
#10 erstellt: 05. Nov 2003, 16:11
McCormack also is very good and powerfull.
#11 erstellt: 05. Nov 2003, 21:38
doesnt kimber-frank own a nad silver line amp?
kimber-frank if you are reading this thread, any comments on your nad?
#12 erstellt: 07. Nov 2003, 15:53
really kimber-frank ? how do you like it ?
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