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Searching for some B&W

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#1 erstellt: 12. Okt 2003, 22:11
Hi all!

Im searching for a good and cheap pair of speakers for my little amplifier (Technics SU A707). I know it´s a very little quantity, but i only want to spend about 300 EURO. First of all, because of my amplifier, its no a great one, but I like it a lot

I like B&W spekers, I have heard some of then, and my father has a pair of B&2 703 since 1997 or 1998 I think, and I love them (he doesn´t, he says they have much middle frequencies).

So I have been searching for some cheap B&W and I have found the B&W 600, for about 350$. Anyone who have heard them can tell me something about them? and specially, anyone that knows my amplifier and knows the speakers can tell me aproximatelly how will they work? If they´re a good combination?

Thanks a lot.

Sorry about my English
#2 erstellt: 13. Okt 2003, 11:43
And what about B&W 303?

#3 erstellt: 14. Okt 2003, 17:41
i havent heard the smaller b&w yet. do you have any possibility to hear them?
#4 erstellt: 14. Okt 2003, 18:36
Yes, I can hear them, but not with my amplifier... that´s the problem.

Anyway I wanna know your opinion if possible
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#5 erstellt: 15. Okt 2003, 06:17
Hello webon,
could you post the technical data of your amp, this might help to tell you if it's possible to use it with the B&W speakers.
Have you heard the speakers yet? If yes which amp was used?
#6 erstellt: 16. Okt 2003, 19:07
Hi all!

Finally I think I will buy 602 or 603, I´m thinking on it.

Haven´t heard them yet, but I hope tomorrow...

Technical data? of course:

(Copied & pasted:)

- Technics MOS – FET Class AA Amplifier

- 2 X 70 Watts (DIN 4 Ohms)

- TA-KEH Capacitors (for audiophile quality sound)

- VGCA (variable control amplifier) (increases s/n ratio to a staggering 120db)

- R- Core Transformer

- Universal Remote Control (operating all Technics components)

- 7 Position Inputs

- High S/N Ratio

- 2 Channel amp

- Phone Stage (for connection to a turntable)

- Headphone Jack

Much more than neccesary, but there´s the technical data

Yeah, I know I´m soooooo boring but now I would like to read your oppinions of B&W 602 and 603. Be patient, I you come someday to Spain I´ll invite you all to some beer!!!
#7 erstellt: 17. Okt 2003, 05:44
the dm 302 or 303 are small speakers so your amp should be ok for them but maybe someday you will want a stronger amp. this will improve the sound (mainly better bass reproduction and dynamics). to the speakersI still havent heard them but I'll ask some guys maybe they know something about them.
#8 erstellt: 17. Okt 2003, 16:58
Max3 just listened these speakers, mabye he'll post his results here. Otherwise see the thread "Help! HK AVR and KEF KHT2005.2".

[Beitrag von kimber-frank am 17. Okt 2003, 16:59 bearbeitet]
#9 erstellt: 18. Okt 2003, 09:09
Ok thanks all!
#10 erstellt: 18. Okt 2003, 15:50
webon have you by now heard the b&w speakers?
#11 erstellt: 18. Okt 2003, 23:56
Not yet, I´ll try it next saturday. I´ll surely buy the 603 ones, but I´ll try to hear the 602 too.
#12 erstellt: 19. Okt 2003, 12:38
Hey webon,
happy testing!
#13 erstellt: 19. Okt 2003, 18:05
Thanks I can´t wait
Schaut ab und zu mal vorbei
#14 erstellt: 21. Okt 2003, 09:20
Like I mentioned under a different topic, I listened to the B&W DM 303 speakers, I personally found the sound to be a bit too sharp.

What I mean is the highs are too high and too low on the mids and very short on bass. This would be a bit of a problem if you listen to these speakers for a long time (i.e. for music, you loose the natural sound). However I have heard that the B&W 600 series is very good. Ofcourse you should know the 303 are like the lowest end stuff b&w produces, but 600 series are for people looking for something better than the average.

No two words about it, B&W are very good speakers, if you want to compair the speakers try listening to a pair of KEF Cresta's or Q1, similar specs.

I personally prefered the Cresta's to the B&W DM303's. Hope this info helps you!!! do let me know how the 602 or 603 are.
#15 erstellt: 21. Okt 2003, 17:47

I´ll do. Finally I´m going this Saturday to hear the 603 and I´ve been invited to a demostration the Saturday too, It will be a demostration of the new products of Martin Logan, Dreamvision, Krell, Sonus Faber, Wilson Audio and Optoma

I can´t wait!!!

I´ll post after it here with my little opinions and maybe some photos.
#16 erstellt: 21. Okt 2003, 18:43
Hey Webon!
I'm looking forward to your report!
Ist häufiger hier
#17 erstellt: 22. Okt 2003, 06:16
Hello webon!
That's an impressive list of well known producers. Let's see if they are really that good
Schaut ab und zu mal vorbei
#18 erstellt: 26. Okt 2003, 09:58
Hey Webon,

Saturday is over.... we're all waiting for your report on that impressive list. So how did it sound ?????
Ist häufiger hier
#19 erstellt: 26. Okt 2003, 10:06
#20 erstellt: 28. Okt 2003, 13:27
If everything goes right, I´ll have my 603 on my house this Tuesday.

I looked for a Van Den Hul cable but it was tooooo expensive. My dealer´s sending me now a Skyline cable, do you know it??

One more thing... what do you think about bi-wiring?? I don´t know if I must do it or not.
#21 erstellt: 29. Okt 2003, 21:38
I finally have my 603!!!

I´m not sure but I think that Skyline is a model of Van Den Hul, can anyone tell me if I´m wrong? I haven´t got the cables yet, but I think tomorrow they´ll be here.

Then I must ask for more cable cause I wanna bi-wire my speakers.

Ist häufiger hier
#22 erstellt: 30. Okt 2003, 08:42
What about their sound?
Or are you still waiting for your speaker-cables
#23 erstellt: 30. Okt 2003, 15:11
They´re connected of course! I am using another good cable.

Hmmm I´m doing bass tests right now and I don´t like the results... and sometimes the tweeter is too high I think...

Anyway They´re on the burn-in period yet, I´ll wat one or two weeks to make my first conclusions and I´ll do it better whith the speakers bi-wired and with a van den hul cable.

#24 erstellt: 30. Okt 2003, 18:57
I´ve bi-wired them and now they are different speakers!!

Now I must wait until the finish of the burn-in period and wait to the new cable, but I´m sure I´ll be pretty happy with my speakers
#25 erstellt: 31. Okt 2003, 07:50
did you bi-wire them with the same cables as you single-wired them? in my opinion one should use one good cable -single wiring- or bi-amping. but bi-wiring doesnt give that much improvement. try to use one of your bi-wiring cables only. if it is about the same sound, sell the other one. if not, keep them, because you can -later- update to bi-amping without buying new cables.
#26 erstellt: 31. Okt 2003, 10:51
This is what I did:

I had the english cable I talked you about connected to the speakers, using a bridge on the 4 connectors of each speaker.

Then I used an oxygen free (not bad) cable I had on the high frequency connectors and I put off the bridges.

So I have the english cable I used when they were not bi-wired on the low frequency connectors and another cable on the high frequency connectors.

I´m waiting for my new cable, I´ll use it to bi-wire the speakers so I´ll use the same cable (I mean the same model, a piece of cable connected to high frequencies and another to low frequencies) for both frequencies.

But I have a BIG problem and probably the speakers will return to B&W. The problem is that in song with a "deep" bass when playing at high (not BRUTALLY high, It´s more NORMAL high) volume the speaker vibrates and, of course, begins to sound like a shit. I put the spikes to the speaker the first day so the problem is not that way. If I put the foams on the flowports the vibration ends, yes, but if I do it I have a shitty bass and I can´t stand that.

I know it´s normal the vibration of the wall for example, and the wall vibrates too, but that´s not the problem, the problem is that the SPEAKER vibrates, and I don´t know what to do.

I´ll really thank any help you can give to me.

[Beitrag von Webon am 31. Okt 2003, 10:55 bearbeitet]
Ist häufiger hier
#27 erstellt: 31. Okt 2003, 17:48
If your speaker vibrates, I'd say your bass is too powerfull. I would take it to the dealer and show him.

Another thing: What are the pros of bi-wiring?
#28 erstellt: 31. Okt 2003, 19:10
Nope, the bass is not too powerful. The problem of this bass is that is a BIG SHIT.

603 are returning home this monday
#29 erstellt: 01. Nov 2003, 10:52
if your speakers vibrate thats not good. return them to your dealer!
and try a good sinlge-wiring cable instead of cheap bi-wiring cables. better spend all money for one good cable than for two cheap ones.
#30 erstellt: 01. Nov 2003, 10:59
I already have my van den hul cable. I´ve got 10m. and I´m gonna do 4 pieces of 2,44 and use it for bi-wiring. But I´ll test without bi-wiring too.

In a hour or so I´ll begin to test the 603 with my father´s system and I´ll test the cables too. I think the problem could be my amplifier...

I have a Pioneer valve amplifier that needs little reparations so probably I´ll repare and use it. We´ll see...
#31 erstellt: 01. Nov 2003, 11:25
so your pioneer amp has some damage? and why do you think your speakers are bullshit if you dont know whats up with your amp? i hope the test with the other amp will make things more clear.
#32 erstellt: 01. Nov 2003, 15:26
Maybe your amp is damaged? If not your dealer should check your new speakers.
I's guess it's a damaged amp because I can't figure out, that a good speaker could play so bad with your amp.
#33 erstellt: 01. Nov 2003, 16:38
Well... I´m back

Conclusion: My amplifier is OK. With my father´s system we´ve heard the same vibration but we now know that the thing that vibrates (and vibrates more hardly now) is THE TWEETER. Oh I LOVE the sound of these speakers with my father´s system but the vibration is really really annoying, we couldn´t bear it.

So I don´t wanna know anything about B&W anymore, I´ll write them an e-mail commenting my seriously dissapointed opinion.

Finally I think I´ll try those JBL XTi80 I tested last saturday

I´m really sad
#34 erstellt: 01. Nov 2003, 16:41
By the way I´ve done photos (good quality this time ) I haven´t passed them to the computer yet, but I´ll do it and I´ll put here the best of them if you want.
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#35 erstellt: 01. Nov 2003, 20:42

The tweeter vibrates? Both tweeters? Looks like a missproduction? Or did the speakers at your dealers have the same vibrations?
#36 erstellt: 01. Nov 2003, 21:12
Twe two of them... yesterday they didn´t vibrate that hardly, but now they do. More concretely the back of the tweeter, the part that is inside the speaker. So the vibration doesn´t affect the sound directly, you don´t hear the vibration on the middle (stereo, you know ) you hear it on both speakers, one vibration sound at left, and another at right.

Now the speaker I have on my leftside vibrates much more than the one on my rightside.

So I see two options: ALL B&W 603 have this problem, but the people who buys them don´t hear it or mine are two rare exceptions. I see very difficult the two options.

I´ve sent an e-mail to B&W commenting my problem. I don´t know if they´ll answer or not, but I hope they do it.

[Beitrag von Webon am 02. Nov 2003, 16:01 bearbeitet]
#37 erstellt: 02. Nov 2003, 16:34
so your amp works fine and the tweeters vibrate. i'd say your speakers are damaged. take them back to your dealer and listen to them with him. if they dont vibrate you got a problem at your home - maybe the cable? - , if they do vibrate your dealer will - i hope so - give you a new pair.
did you check them with different cables?
#38 erstellt: 02. Nov 2003, 16:55
Yep, I checked them with the english cable I commented you some days ago and yesterday with my new Van Den Hul cables.

I have tested them on several rooms too, and in two different houses. Always the same problem.
#39 erstellt: 03. Nov 2003, 15:56
My 603 are now boxed and waiting to the transport to take them to my dealer

I really hope there´s a problem ONLY on my speakers because I want to have a new pair of 603 here this or next week
#40 erstellt: 03. Nov 2003, 18:53
let's hope your speakers are really damaged and you'll have a new pair by the next week.
#41 erstellt: 04. Nov 2003, 16:25
I´m even more disapointed if possible...

Now the 603 work very good on bilbao, when my dealer is.


1.) My father and I´ve got a hypersensitive hearing that no one in the world has except for us.

2.) The 603 only vibrate when I´m near them.

3.) My dealer and all the people that work with him are totally stone-deaf.

4.) He has not tested them seriously (I don´t think so).

What option do you choose?

What should I do now? I want a pair of 603
#42 erstellt: 04. Nov 2003, 19:35
Someone has recommended me the Dynaudio Contour MKII. What do you think about them?

#43 erstellt: 04. Nov 2003, 20:49
I would listen to them with your dealer. So you can hear if they sound good or not.
I don't know the Dynaudio speakers but if I do find out something about them I'll tell you.
#44 erstellt: 04. Nov 2003, 21:21
Ok thanks.

That´s what I wanna do but my dealer is far from here and my father is not very happy with making the travel again... anyway I think that´s what I must do
#45 erstellt: 05. Nov 2003, 09:45
dynaudio are decent speakers but I have also noticed that the 603 cabinets vibrate when driven a bit....that is one of the reasons I did not but was Ok but not the best. I bought Cadence instead....cabinet construction is great..sound is fantastic....
#46 erstellt: 05. Nov 2003, 19:32
manek so yozr speakers vibrate, too? was it about the same vibration webon had?
#47 erstellt: 05. Nov 2003, 20:10
Hey! it´s good to see that I´m not mad

My vibration was not on the speaker itself... it was concretely on the tweeter, the part of the tweeter that´s INSIDE the speaker

Anyway this saturday I´m gonna show they that I´m not mad and that the vibration exists. I´ll test there a new pair of 603 and if they have the same vibration I´ll try with a pair of JBL XTi80. I´ll really thank any comment about them.
#48 erstellt: 06. Nov 2003, 15:45
When I auditioned the B&W the driver covers did vibrate a bit but there was distinctly some vibration between the tweeter and the midrange driver which I could hear only when I put my ear close but it was there.
#49 erstellt: 06. Nov 2003, 18:58
Ok thanks. So I don´t wanna know anything about B&W

I´ll try the JBL ones. Any comments about them please?
#50 erstellt: 06. Nov 2003, 23:49
Finally it seems like my father´s gonna give me his B&W CDM7 Special Edition... but it will be in 3 or 4 months

But I think the waiting will be good!

Now I must change my amplifier so I´ll open a new post asking for your help.

Thanks for all!
Ist häufiger hier
#51 erstellt: 07. Nov 2003, 08:10
Hi webon,
so you'll give your 603 back to your dealer? And you'll take your fathers' CDM7? They do sound better? If yes I think that's a good idea :D.
And I think it's another good idea to take the money you've spend for the 603 and get a really good amp.
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