Technics sl1200

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#1 erstellt: 17. Jul 2008, 12:43
Hi All,
Does anyone know where I can find a dealer to get the price for a technics SL 1200 turntable. The USD price is eminently affordable, however it seems this table is not be found from our usual HIFI sources. Has anyone heard one? I would like to explore Direct Drive, although am not DJing by any means.
By the way it seems that Mr. Linn (Whats his unpronounceble name you know) had stated that he would make a DD if he had to make a TT today. Apocryphal may be, but I want to try this breed out before I possibly upgrade my table.

I have asked my Jaipur dealer to find out, but he has yet to get back.

#2 erstellt: 18. Jul 2008, 03:28

purnendu schrieb:
By the way it seems that Mr. Linn (Whats his unpronounceble name you know)

you mean Mr. Igor Tiefenbrunnen??
#3 erstellt: 18. Jul 2008, 08:19
hi purnendu,

interesting choice. based on a remark by rajiv, i went exploring idler drives and they seem the tt's to have. so i'm starting to save up for one. lots of technics come up on ebay and audiogon.

by the way if you dont have a speed box get yourself one from sushil. if you dont have good power or power conditioning the results will surprise you. the combination of a pure 50 hz wave and the stable speed simply took my table to another level far exceeding the cost of the speed box. never did believe in power conditioning too much but now am a convert. a ps audio p300 ac regenerator is next on wish list for whole system.

#4 erstellt: 20. Jul 2008, 06:13
The issue is not of availibilty but of pairs. All DJ TTs are sold in pairs in India as that is the way the market works. I can get them but you gotta get a pair.
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