Pro Musicals, Chennai - A Different Experience

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#1 erstellt: 04. Dez 2006, 07:13

This weekend I went to Pro Musicals who is the dealers for Wharfedale, Quad and also some professional audio products.
I went to audition Wharfedale 9.5, Quad 21L with some of my test cds which include

Mozart Best 100 collection
Diana Krall (Love Scenes)
Zakhir Hussain Collection
Vande Mataram (ARR)
Norah Jones (Feels like home) and
Pudupettai (Tamil - Harris Jayaraj, one of the best recordings in Indian Cinema)

First I listened to all these cd's in wharfedale 9.5 for about 1/2 hour then Sudhin (Owner of Pro Musicals) asked me to try some pro-monitors which will have good value for money..then I went to another room where I sat in front of M-Audio BX8a studio monitor (130w built-in biwired amp, 8 inch kevlar, 1 inch silk dome). The distance was about 1 feet between me and speakers..

First he asked me to listen to Diana Krall (love scenes) collection...To be real I haven't experienced such a level of detail in any other speakers and for that price (35K--not to mention including amplifier). I couldn't express much about this speaker but believe me..I was totally confused since all the stuffs in my mind (valve amplifiers, monoblock, electrostatic speakers, single driver etc) were clashed in listening to this pair. He connected this speakers to the laptop via M-Audio sound card (so simple). I request everyone to go and experience this. One more interesting info is the speakers which I was listening actually for A.R.Rehman as he ordered two days back and that was about to leave.
#2 erstellt: 04. Dez 2006, 07:18
Distance of 1 foot between you and the speakers ? Extreme near field listening ?
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#3 erstellt: 04. Dez 2006, 07:21
yes...usually sound engineers will be at a distance of 1 feet since they have to work around the keys to control pitch, volume etc....
#4 erstellt: 04. Dez 2006, 10:27

yes...usually sound engineers will be at a distance of 1 feet since they have to work around the keys to control pitch, volume etc....

Any closer can be called headphones
#5 erstellt: 04. Dez 2006, 10:34
yes i know but How would you do such a thing in your home ?

You need to evaluate these speakers in a home like environment with your CDP and then judge.

#6 erstellt: 04. Dez 2006, 14:50
manek has an important point. one problem with extreme near field is that regular room acoustics do not come into play as it would in your room. hence your choise may be on factors which may not matter while factors which do matter migh get left out

also most amplifiers are able to run any speaker for sound to be carried to that distance. better to do a more realistic distance of at least 2m from the center and then see how the imaging and dynamics work out.

another important factor which can get missed out is the timing/coherence.

additionally detail and "high volume " are very suceptible to gettin mixed with the other. hope that is not the case here ?

your choice of test cds is very elaborate ( and your liking for music very diverse !). for tests i personally prefer only 1 cd with multiple tracks recorded to handle most aspects of what i like .

try it out from further back and see how it works for you.if it is still good then your decisio is made .
#7 erstellt: 06. Dez 2006, 18:43

Manek schrieb:
yes i know but How would you do such a thing in your home ?

You need to evaluate these speakers in a home like environment with your CDP and then judge.


My passive Pulz monitors sound truly fabulous when listened to at 1 foot distance at 1am in the morning at low vol. However, one must also consider:
1. Room reflections
2. Horizontal and vertical dispersion pattern
3. Ability to handle dynamics
4. Bass capabilty
5. Soundstage generation

None of these can be evaluated effectively in near field listening.
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