Used Audio components in Chennai

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#1 erstellt: 21. Jul 2005, 16:17
Hi all,

I chanced upon a few shops today in Chennai's all purpose market for Computer peripherals, av compnents, etc. The amazing thing was these shops carried components ranging from stereo amplifiers, cd players, av receivers, cassette decks, equalisers, dvd players, preamps, etc. The components also were from diverse brands. Preamps were from NAD, Technics, Kenwood, etc. NAD 3020 as well as the 320bee were available. Cassette decks from Onkyo, Denon, Nakamichi, Technics. CD players from Pioneer, Arcam, Marantz (cd63se). AV receivers from Marantz, Denon, Pioneer, Kenwood, Teac. Equalisers from Yamaha, Marantz.

When I asked the proprietors of these shops about the prices and the place of origin. They said the prices ranged from 2K to 5K. The place of origin was Singapore and they were all used items.

What I want to know if how good will these components be? All ofthe stuff that I was interested in were playing well in the short time that I was able to audition them. Is there a danger of the internal components been changed since these were preowned and someof them obviously wouldn't have been working due to which they have been discarded.

However some of the prices were simply irresistible,. The 3020 NAD was available for 3K. The 320 bee for 4K. And for someone who wanted a good cassette deck without forking out 12K for a dated technology.......2.5K seemed to be a pretty good bargain.

Pls let me know if it is worth it to procure one of these components?????

From an earlier posting I can recollect Tidelpower also has chanced upon this market......Tidelpower, what is your opinion/experience about this market??
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#2 erstellt: 21. Jul 2005, 16:27
Also does anyone have any opinion about the following components

1. Marantz cd63se : CD Player
2. Onkyo R1 : Cassette deck
3. Denon DRR730 : Cassette deck
4. Denon H14MX : Cassette deck
#3 erstellt: 21. Jul 2005, 18:32
Hi Ronnie,

what do you mean by "the prices ranged from 2K to 5K"

Indian Rupies?

So long

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#4 erstellt: 21. Jul 2005, 18:40
Yes Chris. All in Indian Rupees
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#5 erstellt: 21. Jul 2005, 19:03
I have seen the marantz cd63se models on ebay(uk)it is a old player usually goes for around £40-£50 ditto for NAD3020 but the price for NAD 320BEE is very surprising.
Word of caution about the cd,dvd players i think the lasers might be weak with these units(IMHO) but if u land up with good ones then consider yourself very very lucky especially for the price u have quoted.
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#6 erstellt: 21. Jul 2005, 19:31
Yes Pramod. The prices surprised me too and that is why I am posting here to findout of there is something behind this that someone may be aware of.

The best part was when one of the shop owners told me that all cassette decks are for 2.5K but the ones with fluoroscent lights will cost 3 to 3.5K!!

Coming to the part about the CD/DVD do i make out about if the laser is weak? In fact i played the Marantz with both analog as well as the digital out(coaxial)....not the fiber optic one...however the red led was visible.
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#7 erstellt: 21. Jul 2005, 21:16
regarding testing for cd player performance-

here follow this link it has other information regarding everything about cd players hope this helps you

[Beitrag von pramod am 21. Jul 2005, 21:22 bearbeitet]
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#8 erstellt: 22. Jul 2005, 07:33
Thanks for the link Pramod, but my query still remains unanswered. If anybody has any experience about used audio components or if he has heard anything about such an import market from the south-east, can he pls let me know?

The offer seems to be very good like I said earlier. I wouldn’t like to spend 12K on a new cassette deck since I don’t purchase cassettes anymore apart from the ones that I hear in my car. However I have close to 400 cassettes that I would like to hear once in a while. Also in a lot of other forums esp Audioasylum, some of the members rave about the analogue like quality of music in tapes.

There was another machine that I liked and that is the Marantz cd63se. Upon surfing the net, I found that it was one of the budget cdp that received an overall good rating from most of the reviewers.

Can anybody let me know if this machine is better that some of the 5k-10K (rupees) new cd players in the market today?
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#9 erstellt: 22. Jul 2005, 17:28

Any kind of opinions/experience will be useful....pls share.
Would like to know if the 2k cassette deck like Denon/Onkyo will be worth it for listening to some music once in a while and whether the cd63se Marantz will be better than a 5-10K new cdp..........

hoping for some kind of response
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#10 erstellt: 23. Jul 2005, 12:02
Hi all,

Looks like I'm carrying on a one-sided conversation here
But thats okay.

Purchased the Denon DRR 730 today. There is an improvement over the Thomson minicompo that I was earlier using connected to my system to listen to cassettes. Apparently from info received from someother forums, the 730 from Denon happens to be from the late 90s unlike the M14HX which happens to be from 86/87. Howeverthe 730 only has two motors unlike the M14HX with 3. Otherwise both the decks sounded pretty good to me since I have never used an audiophile deck earlier apart from the Thomson at home presently and other assorted stuff during my school and college days.

I also happened to meet up with a couple of audiophiles who also regularly visit the shop. The owner visits Singapore pretty often and gets his used stuff from Singapore. Most times he justs gets stuff which is easily available. He doesn't hanker after any particular model however he can procure all models if you give him advance notice and apparetntly the other two i met get most of their vintage decks/cdps etc serviced by his shop. Speakers are one thing that he doesn't deal with since he says that they are a hassle to get into India.

Lets see how the deck turns out. If the experience is good over the next few months then I might go back to him for more stuff.
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#11 erstellt: 23. Jul 2005, 13:19
Hi,Can u tell me the address of the shop.
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#12 erstellt: 23. Jul 2005, 13:24
Im intrested in AV recievers/stereo amps.whats the condition of these used items Ronnie, i mean externally?
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#13 erstellt: 23. Jul 2005, 13:34
If you are familiar with Chennai, then you will know of Ritchie street on Mount road. Amongst all the bylanes there is a well-known speaker manufacturer which goes by the name of Torvin. The company that manufactures these speakers is called Power electronics. Actually thats how i chanced upon these shops. I went to Power electronics to ask for some Peerless speaker drivers and came across these shops. I never got the drivers but .....

I don't know the name of street but if you ask for Power electronics/Torvin when you in Ritchie street than ppl will be able to guide you there.

The components are in all kinds of shapes. There are some that are pretty neat and some where the knobs have come off(For instance the Arcam cdp played all right but you needed to press the opn/close button a few times for it to recognise that the cd was in). I tried out 5 decks at the place. In one the right channel was softer than the left and in another, it seemed muted but on increasing the amp(3020i) it was okay but not as good as the denon.
#14 erstellt: 25. Jul 2005, 07:01
So, if I get to the Torvin shop, from there how do I locate these 2nd hand shops ?? Especially the one from where you bought your stuffs !!

Moreover, as you said that you met few other audiophiles who visit this shop,what was their opinion about these shops ? Are there any chances of getting duped products or the refurbished ones ??
Do these shop owners indulge in changing the internal parts of the products ??
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#15 erstellt: 25. Jul 2005, 17:28
Hi Abhi,

The shops are really room basically and once you some to the street that houses Power electronics it is basically a 100 metres long lane thats a dead-end at both ends. It won't be difficult for you to locate the shops after you reach thelane.

I will anyways be going there tomorrow to pick up some of my cds that i had taken there to audition a player and then forgot to bring it back. If you want then I can find out the exact nameof the lane.

As far as the second part goes, i'm not very sure, frankly. The ppl i met there had purchased amplifiers and cdps off him. Apparently at one of the shops, the guy's dad is in Singapore and he gets his stuff from there. You can ask him for any model and he will get it for u.

I checked the cassette deck before i bought it and it seemed okay from inside. It has a made in Japan sticker and also the serial nos. I feel it is genuine but the fact is that some of the stuff is really on its last legs and you need to be able to recognise it.

The cassette deck was cheap so i went for it. Now i'm going to wait and see how it goes and then maybe form an opinion.
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