why is the same person masquerading under two different ids bhagwan and bob ludwig?

+A -A
#1 erstellt: 27. Feb 2006, 08:05
this post was deleted cos pm content not allowed. so i've taken it out. here's the re-post.

To all forum members,

This is an observation. I dont know how many of you caught it. I\'m making a post so you can beware of the above mentioned person. As always, do come to your own conclusions. I\'m merely putting down what I have observed. this is lengthy reading, but necessary at least for new comers who might tend to trust opinions given here.

A few days ago, on the post \'speaker ideas\', amp nut i think made a post mentioning prima luna valve amp. bob ludwig made a post and referred to play and sushil anand. which in itself was weird since you dont normally mention a dealer\'s name when a product comes up! amp nut didnt understand the reference and asked for clarification.

This is when things got really interesting and bhagwan made a post giving some explanation for the reference and he concluded with \'hence i brought it up\'. i thought this was really curious cos it pointed to both bob ludwig and bhagwan being the same person and made a post saying the same. i deleted my post on request from him, but he still did not clear the issue up.

he assures me he could have more than 4 ids and who's to know? he's right, but at least everyone here will look at posts doubly carefully in future and take opinions and recommendations with a healthy pinch of salt.

and here\'s something really really interesting!!! bhagwan makes a post asking for cd player recommendations and he replies to his own post as bob ludwig!!

how weird is that? or does he have a purpose? which is to slyly recommend something and influence popular opinion? if you choose to go though the post he made asking for cd player recommendations over 50k and under 100k you\'ll notice there\'s no conclusion or anything he has checked out so far. normally when a person asks for recommendations we see posts by that person chronicling his journey to various shops and what he has auditioned. in bhagwans case there\'s nothing of the sort, clearly indicating to me that he had some other purpose in making the post. perhaps just to slam some cd players and put others up as being good.

THIS IS HIS POST. (note his two replies under \'bob ludwig\' to his own post!!!)

Postings: 177
Member since: Jun 2005
   #1 created: Dec 09. 2005, 09:29        quote    PM    Mail  

Hello !

Need a CD Player;

Budget :-

Above 50/- K
Below 100/- K

Options ?

A] Available in India [through dealers]
B] Available abroad [grey market]

Red Book for 2 Channel play back.

2nd hand / used players can also be considered.....




A bit shy

Arj wrote:

jolidas were pretty good some years back.. but do sometimes have a problem with their transport.

If you get warranty on it including the lens..then it is a very good Value for Money buy. (In internationam market it is in the USD 400-700 range depending where you buy it) not sure in INdia

Poor Build Quality & very Poor Sound Quality [Currently]

The Chinese Opera Consonance may be a better option.




This is the one I was suggesting !!!
Great \'VFM\' Player.

[Posting edited by Bob_Ludwig on Dec 20. 2005, 04:47]


A bit shy  
#29 created: Jan 02. 2006, 12:10        quote    PM    Mail   WWW  

1 model of Primare might be in the budget - CD21


This is a cheaper player.

Every component of the CD21, from the CD transport to the audio output stage, has been designed to achieve the highest possible audio performance.

The CD21 uses an excellent low-noise mechanism and a high quality DAC for each channel, which, in synergy with Primare’s discrete circuit topology, restores smooth, undistorted, naturally three-dimensional music to the listener.

A very large power supply using a R-core transformer with separate windings for all of the player’s different power requirements and ultra fast discrete power regulators for the critical analogue audio stage, makes sure that enough regulated power is available for even the deepest sonic transient that can be recorded on a compact disc.

Various analogue and digital outputs are provided for a maximum of flexibility in system configuration as well as RS-232 and IR ports are provided for system automation options.


ooooo... maybe he\'s just schizophrenic. cos as bhagwan he wants recommendations and as bob ludwig he knows so much about cd players!

he claims he\'s not a dealer, just an regular audiophile. now which \'regular audiophile\' i ask you has so much knowledge of how the back end works? go through all his posts and his knowledge seems just like a dealer\'s inside knowledge. not the kind a regular audiophile would bother about.

and check this out. how the hell does he manage to have so much second hand stuff to sell???

created: Feb 22. 2006, 16:04        quote    PM    Mail  

Hi !

Lots of second hand gear is available in India.

For things that are up to 12 months old, they come @ 50 % below suggested US Retail Price.

Cables come for 50 % to 60 % Below U.S. Retail Prices.

For gear that is more than 12 to 36 Months old, prices are about 60 % to 70 % below US Retail.

There are Pre Amplifiers, Power Amplifiers, CD PLayers, DAC, Speakers etc. a lot of gear is there.

Just put up an add for what you want in AV Max or on the forum & you will find buyers.


P.S. I too may have stuff that I want to move out of, P.M. me & I will let you know. All gear is almost new, less than 3 months old & going @ 50 % off.

he even has a xavian speaker for sale under another section!

i have a very strong feeling he\'s a dealer or someone in the trade masquerading without the \'commercial\' tag necessary for commercial members.

what do you guys think?
#2 erstellt: 27. Feb 2006, 08:21
Wonderful Research !

Well done.

However, I am still BHAGWAN69.
I can give you my real name if you would like to know [pm me for it]. I use the same 'moniker' all over the world on other forum as well. I am sure you must have researched that too. Probably my 'real name' will show up there.

How nice it would be if you tried to 'listen' & 'appreciate' audio in the same 'serious' manner. Audio as a hobby [for me at least, it is] would surely come a long way.

Happy Listening to you !

Enjoy Music;



#3 erstellt: 27. Feb 2006, 08:24
I'm not getting into an argument here but I'm sure you have a reason for keeping multiple IDs. Do tell us. Your real name will always be anonymous even if you use just one ID, won't it??
#4 erstellt: 27. Feb 2006, 08:28
how come you're so willing to give your real name now bhagwan? when in so many pm's i kept repeatedly asking you to explain why you operate under two different ids? i was willing to give you the benefit of the doubt assuming that you had some legitimate reaason but you kept evading and not answering.

is it cos now you're scared that people will take your word with a pinch of salt now that you're out in the open?

you miss the point bhagwan. its not important who you are. the point is why post under two different ids on the same forum and on the same topic in reply to yourself???
#5 erstellt: 27. Feb 2006, 08:31
just my point shahrukh.
Ist häufiger hier
#6 erstellt: 01. Mrz 2006, 07:35
Multiple Personality Disorder!!!
#7 erstellt: 01. Mrz 2006, 09:20
Hey BHAGWAN.......
#8 erstellt: 01. Mrz 2006, 11:40

you miss the point bhagwan. its not important who you are. the point is why post under two different ids on the same forum and on the same topic in reply to yourself???

Stevie this has happened on many occasions and I have gunned down many such users in the past..heck I was the first here to keenly observe users with multiple logins..but somehow I suspect if Bhagwan could do it...it's unbeleivable..maybe guys like soni...ter...cough cough can do it...
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