Recommend a pair of speakers for my system

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#1 erstellt: 13. Mrz 2004, 13:29
I am currently after a new pair of speakers to replace my Montor Audio silver 5i's.

I currently have a Roksan Radius 5/Nima Arm/Kontrapunkt B/Project Tube phonostage powered through a NADC160/C270 pre-power combo. I can't help but feel my speakers are not showing my analogue rig at its best. I have around 900GBP to spend. Would the new Montior Audio S8's be much of an improvement, or maybe the Mission 782se?

I want increased resolution but not at the expense of timing or dynamics.

Suggestions anyone?
#2 erstellt: 14. Mrz 2004, 16:46
Hi More,
I am not very familiar with your setup, but for Increased resolution, it may be the Amp/Pre which may be the definitely is not your source and may nt be the speakers as although a bit old the 5i's are known to be OK.

if possible try to borrow a Roksan/Rega/Musical Fidelity/Sugden or Audio analogue int amp and try it out to confirm the same before you upgrade your speakers ..

BTWI have heard the monitor 8's and did like the same...very Dynamic speakers capable of handling any music especiually with Warm sounding Amps
In fact I was very seriously thinking between that and the Klipsch..I went for the klipsch only as I could not audition the MA enough...

again i am really not familiar to your curren setup and the above is just a hunch !
#3 erstellt: 15. Mrz 2004, 07:49
hi more...I am familiar with your pre-amp/power amp setup and you got a good one. the c160 with e C270 is a very good combo.

What exactly is making you feel that the speakers are the weak link ? is it some chanracteristic in the sound perhaps ? a friends system ? Could be the cables you are using....I would personally avoid the missions. but then again it depends on individual taste.

try and put a finger to what you need more out of your system and maybe we will be able to help you better. You mentioned more resolution....but more in the bass ? mids ? highs ? more detail in which region ?
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#4 erstellt: 15. Mrz 2004, 11:05
Tell me guys, is it OK to enclose the speaker cables inside a PVC conduit which would be inside the wall? And as my system is on one side, the distance to both the speakers is different. But I have taken both the speaker cable lengths the same and am coilling up one of them. Is that Ok?
#5 erstellt: 15. Mrz 2004, 13:16
Nothing wrong with a PVC conduit..
Nothing wrong with coiling in most systems but some systems..apparently could have RFI problems (As per theory !) could coil in in an S which apparently cancels this out again all this is theory and I have never experienced these. But keepig it off the ground helps hence the conduits would be good !

BTW, in case you want to change cables would that be easy ?
#6 erstellt: 15. Mrz 2004, 13:31
yeah...conduits are fine got you system finally ? good hook it up and play it..

keeping the length same is a good idea....but do make sure there is no electrical wire running paralel to the speaker cables or interconnects.
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#7 erstellt: 15. Mrz 2004, 14:09
Not Yet! Not Yet!
Only got my Cables. That itself has got me exited. Ha! Ha! He!
#8 erstellt: 16. Mrz 2004, 05:56
cheraz......whats keeping it now ? BTW what cables did you get ?
Ist häufiger hier
#9 erstellt: 16. Mrz 2004, 10:40
Transparent Musiclink interconnects and MusicWave Biwires. God Knows why Totem is delaying. It seems there is a 'Q' for the speakers and it is taking some more time. My cdp and amp should be with me by next week. I hope.
#10 erstellt: 16. Mrz 2004, 12:56
Good cables...very good cables....heavy metal and pop music may sound rolled off on the extremes (high and low) so dont be surprised. transparent audio cables are very quiet, sweet sounding and mellow.

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