NIKKO ALPHA II setzt aus

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#1 erstellt: 10. Sep 2010, 09:39
Guten Tag,
ich benutze einen alten aber sehr gut klingenden HIFI Turm mit Nakamichi und Thorens Teilen.
Der Verstärker Nikko Alpha II setzt nach einigen Minuten einwandfreier Widergabe für eine gewisse Zeit aus und dann selbst wieder ein. Was kann das sein? Was kann ich tun?
Vielen Dank.
#2 erstellt: 10. Sep 2010, 18:47

Your amplifier is rather old and by now it is time to think about a re-cap.

All electrolytic capacitos should be replaced, except perhaps the main capacitors (4 x 10.000uF/63V) in the power-supply even if I think it would be wise also to replace them.

Now most likely what happens is that the protection-circuit itself is defective. Nikko did a couple of crazy things in this circuit possibly to save on money. Instead of using a bi-polar electrolytic capacitor they just used 2 ordinary polarized cap's minus-to-minus. Allthough this in theory makes a bi-polar capacitor in praxis it's the cheap-and-dirty variant.

Replace ALL electrolytic cap's in the protection circuit. They are:
C841 & C842 (The cap's described above) -> 220uF/16V
C844 -> 3,3uF/35V
C843 -> 220uF/16V
C840 -> 0,47uF/50V
C719L & C719R -> 0,47uF/50V
That should cure any instability in the protection-circuit.

Now consider the electrolytic cap's in the output-amplifier are of equal age. They will also soon cause all kinds of instability problems like self-oscillation and destruction of the output transistors when they finally deteriorate enough. Replace them now and enjoy many more years of pleasure from the Alpha-II.

These cap's are:
C701L & C701R -> 100uF/16V
C703L & C703R -> 220uF/80V !!
C707L & C707R -> 10uF/25V
C706L & C706R -> 470uF/16V

In the power-supply are 8 cap's that I would also replace:
C801~C808 -> 220uF/10V

With all capacitors use the same or higher voltage rating. Use 105-Degree Celsius capacitors, they last longer than 85-Degree variants in my opinion.

The above 're-cap' will be VERY inexpensive compaired with a burned-out amplifier caused by defective capacitors.

If you can do it yourself..??
Well, do you know how to use a soldering iron for starters?


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