TSP Parameter K+H OY Mitteltöner

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#1 erstellt: 06. Jan 2022, 23:28
Hallo zusammen,

Ich setze gerade für einen Liebhaber 7 Stück dieser Lautsprecher instand.

Zu dem Mitteltöner:

"K+H Telewatt PCH 102"

4" / 100mm

finden sich leider absolut keine brauchbaren Informationen im Netz.

Ich warte noch auf Antwort von Neumann/Sennheiser, dachte aber das es hier vlt. jemanden gibt der eventuell noch ein Datenblatt zu dieser Type hat. Angeblich hat ja auch Peerless OEM für K+H produziert, eventuell gibt es da eine Vergleichstype?

Danke und Gruß,

#2 erstellt: 09. Feb 2023, 22:38

Ich habe mich gefragt, ob Sie es jemals geschafft haben, diese reparieren zu lassen, und wenn ja, besteht die Möglichkeit, dass der Herr, für den Sie sie repariert haben, daran interessiert sein könnte, einen zu verkaufen und nach Großbritannien zu schicken? Ich denke, einer der PCH 102 in meinem Klein und Hummel OY ist nach 54 Jahren einfach durchgefallen!

Alles Gute und ich freue mich auf Ihre Antwort.

#3 erstellt: 10. Feb 2023, 21:41
Hi Georg,

Thank you for replying so soon.
I took the mid-range out of my OY this afternoon and tested with a multimeter - and unfortunately it said '0 Ohms'... however, it wasn't the original 'Telewatt PCH 102' but a 'Dew Magnetfabrik' with 'KH6' on the speaker chassis.


Right now I'm keeping my eyes open on ebay etc for another PCH 102 to match the one in the other OY.
If you see any for sale please message me... I would pay a good (fair) price for one. I'd also be happy to send this Dew abroad for repairing if you think it would be possible.

I'm also interested in more information on the SEAS driver/model, and if you would be able to supply the 3D printed adaptor, please? I would of course need two, and probably a little bit of help on how to tune the high/mid pre-amps.

Thank you so much for your help and advice so far.

Warm Regards,
Schaut ab und zu mal vorbei
#4 erstellt: 11. Feb 2023, 14:35
I think those speakers were all made in the factory in dortmund, they produced the OY over 10 years and i think they had those drivers oem labeled in later runs.

If it reads zero ohms the voice coil is probably damaged. There are no recone kits, and i doubt that trying to rebuild this speaker i another way is worth the hassle.

I used this speaker:


I like the driver, very flat response in the passband, very clear and direct.

It is less sensitive than the original one so the hf driver needs to be lowered in volume. Either electronically which is possible until serial number 7000 or passive with resistors. With the use of the ‚entzerrer‘ switch and or the bass eq it is possible to achieve quite flat response.

I used a measurement system to fine tune it, you could do it probably by ear if you use this speaker just for music listening / if you dont have a super serious studio approach.

I can supply the 3d printer files or I could send the adaptors to your place, and i also have one seas mid driver left if needed -> pm

Can post photos later of the modified speaker.

Best georg
#5 erstellt: 11. Feb 2023, 23:52
Hi again Georg...

Keep trying to PM you but it's not letting me, probably because I'm new here... maybe a few more posts???

I'm very interested in having a 3d printed parts sent to me in the UK as I don't know anyone with a 3D printer unfortunately.
How much would you want for those, and could you also give me a price for the SEAS speaker you have spare please?

Look forward to your reply.

Thanks again,

[Beitrag von Dada_Baba am 11. Feb 2023, 23:52 bearbeitet]
#6 erstellt: 12. Feb 2023, 08:02
Such a Midrange Driver can be repaired. However this is going to be quite expensive.


#7 erstellt: 12. Feb 2023, 16:33

shabbel (Beitrag #6) schrieb:
Such a Midrange Driver can be repaired. However this is going to be quite expensive.

Thank you for the links. I'll message them for a quote but I reckon the quickest option is to get a pair of those Seas.
#8 erstellt: 12. Feb 2023, 17:40
Indeed. I made the Experience that "Magnetfabrik" drivers used in Telewatt Speakers can't be found in any speaker from other brands.
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