Infos zu DLP Chips

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#1 erstellt: 10. Dez 2005, 17:54
Fuer alle die Interesse haben, hier einige Infos zu den verschiedenen DLP Typen.
Wenn weiteres Interesse besteht, kann ich versuchen noch genauere Infos zu den HD4 Chips zu bekommen.

Gruss, Mishar

HD2 This is TI's second generation DLP HD engine with 720 x 1280 pixels. This model is also called referred to as the Mustang DLP chip. It offers better black levels and a better contrast ratio (around 1000:1 when used in a rear projection TV or 2000:1 when used in a front projector) than most LCD projectors, but not as good as the latest DLP engines (see below). The physical size of the image arer of the imaging chip is 0.8 inch diagonal.

HD2+ (Mustang) This is TI's upgrade to their second generation DLP HD engine with 720 x 1280 pixels. The Plus (+) version of the Mustang DLP engine has improved black levels and contrast ratios (around 2000:1 when used in a rear projection TV or 4000:1 when used in a front projector) as compared to the original HD-2 version. Also the associated signal processing electronics have reduced digital noise as compared to the HD2 based designs.

HD3 Although the HD3 is a third generation 720 x 1280 pixels it is not a replacement for the HD2+ series. Rather TI has figured out how to make the imaging chip's overall dimensions smaller (0.55 inch as compared to 0.8 inch with the HD2 series). The performance in terms of black level and contract ratio (around 1500:1 when use in a rear projection TV) is a better than the original HD2 but is a notch below that of the HD2+. You can expect to see the HD3 light engine in lower cost DLP projectors with the more expensive models using the HD2+ engine.

xHD3 This new light engine is expected to first appear in late 2004 in a 61 inch Samsung rear projection TV. The xHD3 (not be be confused with the lower resolution HD3) will be the first DLP engine to support 1080 x 1920 pixels for the high definition resolution. The xHD3 is expected to be the DLP engine of choice for consumers desiring the best possible performance. The version TI is releasing in late 2004 is designed for rear projectors while a version designed specifically for front projectors may not be released until late 2005 or 2006.

The xHD3 and xHD4 are fundamentally the
same device except for a contrast enhancement. In the future, this device will be
called '0.85" 1080P' (i.e. chip diagonal and resolution).
#2 erstellt: 12. Dez 2005, 00:11
Wenn du schon "copy und paste" anwendest um hier zu posten, dann füge wenigstens die Quelle dazu.
Danke, diba
#3 erstellt: 12. Dez 2005, 20:09

ich habe Kontakte zu der Firma u. deshalb wegen Infos
zu DLP's (DMD's) in USA angefragt.

Gruss, Mishar
#4 erstellt: 13. Dez 2005, 17:00
genau dasselbe habe ich schon ergoogelt
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