For Sale: Transparent Audio Ultra MM Speaker Cables

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#1 erstellt: 07. Aug 2009, 10:39
Selling a pair of Transparent Audio Ultra MM Speaker cables. 8' length. 5 months old.

Am selling as I have moved to monoblock amplifiers which are placed near my speakers and hence these are coiled up and look cluttered. Am changing to a shorter length.

These are high end Speaker Cable. They are the current model and are in perfect 'brand new' condition. They have spade connectors on both ends. This pair is the MM version which is an upgrade.

Please PM if interested. I will sell them at close to 50% off US retail price.

#2 erstellt: 07. Aug 2009, 10:45
Good Cables;
Sold in India - Surat.
This is a good speaker cable - I have heard it in a few audiophile houses in Mumbai. A dear friend still has them. What is their current retail price ? What will you sell @ ? I will keep an eye out, am sure we will find some one. This is a good product.
All the Best with your sale !!

p.s. That same freind [Ultra] purchased 2 of my PLMM's last week....Great Power Cords !!!
#3 erstellt: 08. Aug 2009, 09:03

Current retail on the Musicwave Ultra is USD 2895.00. These have had the MM uprgade done which adds about US$400.00.

I am willing to sell at $1200.00, packed and delivered to anywhere in India.
#4 erstellt: 09. Aug 2009, 02:47

msb1 schrieb:
I am willing to sell at $1200.00, packed and delivered to anywhere in India.

@ Rs. 60/- this is a 'super cable'
Audiophiles - please do consider...
AP & ARJ etc. Please do note...

#5 erstellt: 10. Aug 2009, 06:10

bhagwan69 schrieb:

Audiophiles - please do consider...
AP & ARJ etc. Please do note...


Sir.. any reason for the differentiation ?
#6 erstellt: 12. Aug 2009, 05:50

Arj schrieb:

bhagwan69 schrieb:

Audiophiles - please do consider...
AP & ARJ etc. Please do note...


Sir.. any reason for the differentiation ?

None sir;
If it was offensive, I apologise & withdraw my comments.
But, I do believe that this is a 'reasonably' serious cable & may be selling at a 'competative' price & so it may be considered by the 2 of you.
You may not need to upgrade from here on for the current level of audio gear that the 2 of you are using.

Besides, since it is TA - selling it - on Audiogon etc. would be rather easy & you would recover 80 % of your investment after 2 years - not bad in my books.

I have 3 sets of cables in use & are at a slightly higher 'price point' & if this was a Ref MM, I may have considered it !
Echole / Argento / Alpha Core [Goertz] {I know AP does not like them - before he starts off} is what I use with TA & Jorma Design & Acoustic Reality - Power Cords.....
#7 erstellt: 12. Aug 2009, 07:31

bhagwan69 schrieb:

None sir;
If it was offensive, I apologise & withdraw my comments.

Was only Kidding .. Thanks for calling it out though
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