HIFI-FORUM » Stereo » Elektronik » Verstärker/Receiver » entstufe schaltet auf protect | |
entstufe schaltet auf protect+A -A |
Autor |
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Neuling |
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erstellt: 15. Sep 2007, |
So erstens... ich habe nicht wirklich viel ahnung oO Ich habe vor 3 wochen ne anlage in meinem Auto, läuft auch alles super. Jetzt habe ich gestern die letzten 2 lautsprecher eingebaut (2 hochtöner) und an die frequenzweichen der vorderen lautsprecher angeschlossen. Wenn ich jetzt was lauter aufdrehe schatet die entstufe auf protect Was kann das sein ?! |
Stammgast |
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erstellt: 16. Sep 2007, |
Hi, ...es kann sein... that your protection circuit is doing what it's best at: PROTECTING ![]() The amplifier is build to drive, usually a pair of 2-4 ohm speakers when it comes to car hi-fi. When the load-impedance is significantly lower than that, the protection-circuit is suppose to cut-in when the volume is increased (i.e. when the current in the output stages reaches dangerous levels) So, WHAT made your load-impedance too low? You may have made some error/short-circuit when connecting the cross-over (frequenzweichen). You have defective (...or just low quality build) Tweeters (hochtöner) Try to disconnect the Tweeters one-at-the-time and check if the problem persists. You may have just one defective speaker. You have a crappy receiver that wont drive 4 speakers? ![]() There's a lot of possibilities Good luck, Kind regards, /tri-comp EDIT: Just remembered, CHECK that the cross-over doesn't give any connection to the car chassis. If it does, or some speaker-cable does, you will certainly have this problen. Especially also check if the lugs, where the cable is connected to the Tweeters, are not in touch with the car metal chassis. [Beitrag von tri-comp am 16. Sep 2007, 10:30 bearbeitet] |
Inventar |
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erstellt: 16. Sep 2007, |
Du solltest zumindest schreiben, was du wie an welche Geräte angeschlossen hast! |
Stammgast |
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erstellt: 16. Sep 2007, |
AMEN to that, Amperlite. Why do people think other people are mind-readers? ...especially at long distance ![]() GIVE ALL available informations if you want to receive the most usefull answers. Sorry for my answering in English. Please write in German or English at your convenience. I READ German well enough, it's the WRITING that causes me problems. ![]() Kind regards, /tri-comp |
Inventar |
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erstellt: 16. Sep 2007, |
@tri-comp :-) Maybe people think that mind-reading is part of the training for radio and TV technicians. Regards, Bernhard |
Stammgast |
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erstellt: 16. Sep 2007, |
Hi Bernhard, ![]() I'll try some experiment next time I have trouble with my car. I'll go to the garage and say: I put myself in the front seat and turn the key. The car won't start. WHAT can be wrong? THEN we will see if auto-mechanics are ALSO taught mind-reading as a part of THEIR training ![]() Kind regards, /tri-comp BTW, it's not possible to become a Radio & TV-technician anymore in my country (Denmark). The schools are closed some years ago. Too many people bought too much Chinese junk to keep up with a demand for new technicians. Bad quality and cheap electronics is just thrown out. Where did demand for high quality go? I remember Telefunken from old days. Very good and reliable TV's. Now Telefunken comes out of Turkey (..as do some Grundig TV's). No offence towards Turkey & China, they just produce what people demand. LOW, LOW quality at LOW, LOW prices. ![]() [Beitrag von tri-comp am 16. Sep 2007, 19:00 bearbeitet] |
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