Kenwood B-B7

+A -A
#1 erstellt: 19. Apr 2007, 15:58
Hallo, oben benanntes Gerät ist Bestandteil einer Stereoanlage bestehend aus Tuner C-B7l, CD-Player DP-MB5 und Cass.Deck X-B7. Das Gerät Ist ohne Funktion und das Netzrelais schaltet rythmisch an und aus, egal ob man das Gerät solo oder im Verbund mit den anderen Komponenten betreibt.Hat jemand ne Idee? Danke
#2 erstellt: 19. Apr 2007, 20:02
Your amplifiers protective relay switches on and off rapidly.
Do NOT continue this as the protection circuit may fail and your speakers will burn.
Most likely cause is a defective amplifier-IC. Your amp has 2 IC's. The main (Front) IC is STK401-xxx where xxx represents some 3-digit number depending on the amplifier variant. Probably it's STK401-261 but it can easily be seen on the original IC.
The other (OMNI) amplifier-IC is LA4280. Both can cause this situation and without some measuring with a volt/ohm-meter it's impossible to say which is dead.
If you need the manual, send me a PM with your e-mail address.

Kind regards,

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