Emotiva Basx TA1

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#1 erstellt: 03. Okt 2022, 13:10

Es gibt ja nun den Nachfolger des TA100, den TA1 dort steht in der Bedienungsanleitung zur Einbindung eines Subwoofer:

BasX TA1 4. Summed Subwoofer Output (With Active Low-Pass Filter) This output allows you to connect a powered subwoofer to the TA1 via the 90 Hz active low-pass f ilter portion of the internal bass management crossover.

5. Crossover Outputs (With Active High-Pass Filters) These outputs provide a signal that has been routed through the 90 Hz active high-pass filter portion of the internal active bass management crossover.

6. Main Outputs (Line Level) These are the line level Main Outputs on your TA1. When the Crossover Switch is set to Full Range they provide a full range signal; when the Crossover Switch is set to High Pass they deliver a signal that is passed through the 90 Hz active high-pass filter portion of the internal active bass management crossover.

7. High-Pass / Full Range Crossover Switch THIS SWITCH CONTROLS BOTH THE SIGNAL THAT IS SENT TO THE MAIN LINE LEVEL OUTPUTS AND THE SIGNAL THAT IS SENT TO THE INTERNAL AMPLIFIERS. When this switch is set to Full Range both the Speaker Outputs and the Main Outputs receive a full range stereo signal. When this switch is set to High-Pass both the Speaker Outputs and the Main Outputs receive a signal that has been routed through the active high-pass filter portion of the internal crossover on the TA1. Note: The High-Pass setting is normally used when the speakers connected to the Speaker Outputs on the TA1 are being used with an active subwoofer in a full 2.1 channel system

Nun verstehe ich nicht ganz was es da mit den low und high-pass filtern auf sich hat. Kann ich nun die Lautsprecher so trennen wie bei einem AVR bzw das diese nur bis zb 50hz spielen u dann der sub übernimmt?

Viele Grüße

[Beitrag von elia77 am 03. Okt 2022, 13:42 bearbeitet]
Hat sich gelöscht
#2 erstellt: 03. Okt 2022, 13:45
90Hz, nicht 50Hz...
und nur bei 90Hz.
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