DSP Xover project

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#1 erstellt: 26. Aug 2012, 12:03
Hallo Leute

Das dürfte einige hier interessieren.
Da bastelt jemand "chaparK" in Sydney - Australien an einem High End DSP und will es der DIY Gemeinde zur verfügung stellen.
Es soll billig werden! Was er unter billig versteht hat er allerdings noch nicht gesagt. Naja, schau'n wer mal.

Verfolgen kann man das Projekt im diyAudio Forum

Ich habe mal die wichtigsten Eckpunkte zusammengestellt:

- has a dual-core DSP56725
- Stereo analogue input
- Stereo digital input
- 8 analogue outputs with analogue volume control
- 10 digital outputs (8 of them carry the signal of the analogue outs before DA conversion)
- 2 I2S expansion ports
- 48kHz, 96 kHz and 192 kHz are all 3 natively supported by the DSP and that sampling frequency is user selectable while configuring the board
- the ability to view a final response graph, overlaid on a target response curve
- the board has over 1s of delay (at 96 kHz) to share between the channels

The board also features headers for keypad with 8 push-buttons, LCD, status leds and IR sensor as well as a USB connector for the control application. Peripheral management is performed by a micro-controller so that the DSP stays fully available for DSP routines.

Also, in order to have the main board operating, you'll need first to provide:
- a power supply (5V and +/- 12V)
- a back-lit LCD display - any color any size provided it's the proper type (2x16)
- 8 push-buttons
- a IR sensor (5V 38kHz) if you intend to use a remote controller, which I recommend.

It's going to be cheap and very good quality.

I hope to make available the hardware and the Windows build in 3 months.

Another forum member (qusp) had already asked for external clock supply. I have made the hardware change so that external clock supply is possible now. The software part of this option might come only with the 2nd release - depending on time available until October.

Each analogue IC has its dedicated regulator(s) and voltage rails for OP is supplied by the user (+/- 12V).

Input selection is between following sources:
- Analogue
- SPDIF optical
- SPDIF coax
- I2S

One more feature I haven't mentioned so far: There's also onboard an isolated command for external relays intended for turning on and off your amps.

Aktueller Stand: First release in October (Windows build)

[Beitrag von Indemini am 26. Aug 2012, 12:10 bearbeitet]
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