plasma tv: wer macht was ........ neugierig ?

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#1 erstellt: 21. Dez 2006, 13:12
hier mal ne kleine info.....
manche hier wissen's ja vielleicht echt net, was sie für'n panel in ihrem kasten haben !!

Who really makes your Plasma TV?
Very few Plasma tv manufacturers actually make their own plasma tv. Most use a system called rebadging. Basically they buy from a Original Equipment Manufacturer (OEM), claim to have a secret extra special feature then stick a new sticker on it and bill you thousands extra for the sticker. If you really want to pay thousands for a sticker please call our sales dept and we will sell you a sticker with our website logo for much less then the couple thousand you will pay Fujitsu or Viewsonic.


NEC - Nec is a OEM manufacturer and is now owned by Pioneer . Although owned by Pioneer they still operate under a separate label. NEC has commercial units and home units. They also supply screens to Marantz, Runco, RCA, Sony and several other companies. NEC sold their plasma factory to Pioneer and now buys their panels from Pioneer and installs their own electronics.

Pioneer Plasma - Pioneer owns NEC and has switched production to the NEC lines. The new 50 inch and the 42 inch units are all NEC glass. To tell if a 50 inch is Pioneer or NEC, check the resolution, IF 1280 it is Pioneer , If 1365 it is NEC . 42 inch Pioneer Plasma tv is NEC . 43 inch Plasma tv is Pioneer Glass

Panasonic - Makes the complete units, Supplies Toshiba, JVC, Fujitsu and more

Fujitsu Plasma - Only makes their own 42 inch in partnership with Hitachi . 50 and 61 inch Fujitsu Plasmas are Panasonic and NEC but the 42 inch are their own. Note Hitachi plasma screens are identical to Fujitsu and cost thousands less, 55 Inch Fujitsu is same as Hitachi,

Sony Plasma tv - Makes their own boards and chips but uses Fujitsu/ Hitachi plasma screen glass for 42 inch, 50 inch is NEC, 42inch EDTV is NEC

Hitachi - Owns 50% of plasma screen factory with Fujitsu. Makes own internal components. 42 Alis screens are Hitachi as is the New 55, 50 inch are Pioneer and 42 EDTV is a NEC screen

Philips - Uses Fujitsu/ Hitachi glass screen and most internal components as well. However, Philips makes its own bezel with built in speakers.

LG / Zenith - Make their own glass in Korea

Samsung - Makes its own components in Korea


RCA/ Thompson - Partners with NEC to OEM its product. Just a NEC with a new bezel.

JVC - 50 inch is Panasonic, 42 is NEC

Toshiba - OEM from Panasonic.

Sharp - OEM product through Pioneer for 50" and 42 though they may make some internal component changes .

Runco - OEM 50" from Pioneer and 42" from NEC,

Marantz - OEM 42" plasma monitor from NEC.

Studio Experience - use a Samsung panel but custom electronics

Viewsonic - OEM 50" plasma screen from Pioneer ( old 502 ).

......nicht zu vergessen die türkische firma vestel : metz, aeg, seg, dual, andersson usw. !!
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