32LE-R51B vs Thomson 32 LB220B4

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#1 erstellt: 24. Jul 2005, 19:26
I have been looking (a lot) for a new 32" LCD tv and have ended up with 2 models. How do I find the best picture quality of the 2 ? I have read a lot good things about the Samsung and believe it is a good tv for the price but I like the design of the Thomson more but have almost read more bad than good. The specifikation is the same as far as I can see, kontrast 1:800, helligkeit 550 cdm usw.
Is there any other way to see the which one is better than the other ? I like to hear something abouth the Thomson
Which other LCD is the best at the moment. You are welcome to reply in German, I can read it but unfortunately not write it.
Kim Bernhart
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