HIFI-FORUM » Akustik » Akustik » Literatur zum Thema “Akustisch gekoppelte Räume” | |
Literatur zum Thema “Akustisch gekoppelte Räume”+A -A |
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erstellt: 20. Jan 2016, |
Hallo zusammen, L-förmige Wohnzimmer, ein über einen offenen Durchgang mit dem Eßzimmer verbundenes Wohnzimmer, wer kennt sie nicht. Wie sieht es in solchen Räumen mit den Raummoden aus, wie mit der Nachhallzeit? Ein Thema, das ab und zu angesprochen wird, worauf es aber bisher keine Antworten gab. Untenstehende Literatur sollte daher eigentlich alle Raumakustik-Experten brennend interessieren. Bei Interesse einfach eine PN mit einer email-Adresse, dann schicke ich die PDF’s Klaus Billon et al., “On the use of a diffusion model for acoustically coupled rooms”, J. of the Acoustical Society of America 2006, vol. 120, S.2043 Eyring, “Reverberation time measurements in coupled rooms”, J. of the Acoustical Society of America 1931, vol. 3, S.181 Harris, “On the acoustics of coupled roms”, J. of the Acoustical Society of America 1950, vol. 22, S.572 Meissner, “The effect of modal localization on reverberation energy decay in a case of two acoustically coupled rooms”, Archives of Acoustics 2006, S.239 Meissner, “Computational studies of steady-state sound field and reverberant sound decay in a system of two coupled rooms”, Central European Journal of Physics 2007, S.293 Meissner, Analysis of non-exponential sound decay in an enclosure composed of two connected rectangular subrooms”, Archives of Acoustics 2007, S.213 Meissner, “Influence of absorbing material distribution on double slope sound decay in L-shaped room”, Archives of Acoustics 2008, S.159 Meissner, “Influence of wall absorptipn on low-frequency dependence of reverberation time in room of irregular shape”, Applied Acoustics 2008, S.583 Meissner, “Computer modelling of coupled spaces: variations of eigenmodes frequency due to a change in coupling area”, Archives of Acoustics 2009, S.157 Meissner, “Simulation of acoustical properties of coupled rooms using numerical technique based on modal expansion”, Acta Physica Polonica A 2010, S.123 Meissner, “Examination of the effect of a sound source location on the steady-state response of a two-room coupled system”, Archives of Acoustics 2011, S.761 Meissner, “Acoustic energy density distribution and sound intensity vector field inside coupled spaces”, J. of the Acoustical Society America 2012, vol.132, S.228 Meissner, “Analytical and numerical study of acoustic intensity field in irregularly shaped room”, Applied Acoustics 2013, S.661 Meissner, “Sound field energy in a system of coupled rooms”, Acta Physica Polonica A 2014, S.103 Pu et al., “Different sound decay patterns and energy feedback in coupled volumes”, J. of the Acoustical Society of America 2011, vol. 129, S.1972 |
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