"Roja" tamil Audio CD from Magnasound

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#1 erstellt: 01. Jan 2006, 15:32
Any idea where I can get a copy of A.R. Rahman's "Roja" (Tamil) audio CD by Magnasound in bangalore? The latest ones in music shops are from "Lahari" recording and are extremely poorly mastered (During silence pauses in the songs, I can hear some other song in the background! and the tonal quality is poor too). The original Magnasound CD sounds much better but unfortunately it is not available in music shops anymore. Any help would be appreciated greatly.
Thanks in advance

[Beitrag von ravi am 01. Jan 2006, 16:05 bearbeitet]
#2 erstellt: 02. Jan 2006, 10:16

Any idea where I can get a copy of A.R. Rahman's "Roja" (Tamil) audio CD by Magnasound in bangalore? The latest ones in music shops are from "Lahari" recording and are extremely poorly mastered (During silence pauses in the songs, I can hear some other song in the background! and the tonal quality is poor too). The original Magnasound CD sounds much better but unfortunately it is not available in music shops anymore. Any help would be appreciated greatly.
Thanks in advance

Unfortunately Magnasound has shut shop and that's a pity especially if you are a fan of Rahman's early stuff like Roja,Tiruda Tiruda,Duet,Kadalan...all of which was on Magnasound.

However it is posibble to get copies ripped from the original CDs in Chennai.

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