Aegis evo 1 question

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#1 erstellt: 31. Dez 2005, 02:54
Hi good day everyone. i'm new to this forum & hi-fi stuff, hope someone can help me out.

I'm interested to get Aegis Evo 1 speakers and use as my front speakers on computer speakers set up.
Wonder will the amp in my computer speakers sufficient to drive the evo 1?
I'm using Creative Gigaworks, the front channel is rated 75RMS each side, so its sufficient to drive the evo 1?

Any help will be much appreciated. thank you.
#2 erstellt: 01. Jan 2006, 11:12
hi evox2, the amp should have no problem driving it although i would doubt the the quality of the output of that amp

If you can do it, would suggest getting a Class D amp like the Sonic Impact T amp to go along with it, as that would not be very expensive.

if you want the maximise the value of the money spent (assuming you budget is fixed) then a cheaper speaker with a half decent amp might give you a better quality .

But unfortunately I am unable to point you in any other direction other than the above as my knowledge of what is available is limited..
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