Quality and affordability

+A -A
#1 erstellt: 04. Dez 2005, 12:44
How much does a Indian audiophile can afford for a hifi system and which comes first>>>

1.More quality
2.reasonable quality for reasonable price
3.Less price..
#2 erstellt: 05. Dez 2005, 10:36

Sonic_Master schrieb:
How much does a Indian audiophile can afford for a hifi system and which comes first>>>

1.More quality
2.reasonable quality for reasonable price
3.Less price..

This needs to be edited.

How much will an Indian Audiophile spend on a Hi-fi system and which comes first :-

1. Quality
2. Price to Quality [Ratio]
3. Budget [to spend]


#3 erstellt: 05. Dez 2005, 10:56
Low - Fi

Budget - Under Rs. 100/- K


Budget - Under Rs. 500/- K


Budget - Over Rs. 500/- K [Sky is the limit]

What is more important ?

Well to me, Quality comes first. If it does not sound good [right tonaly] then what ever deal one gets on a product is just not worth it !!!!

However, one has to work with a budget;

Hence, I would suggest the following :-

A] Define the Budget
B] Decide on the room [where the system is to be installed]
C] Kind of music that neds to be listened to [Jazz / Classical / Folk / Country / Rock / India Classical]
D] Buy the speaker first & then the amplifier to match it followed by the front end & the cables at the end.

Percentage of amount allocation :-

Speakers - 35 %
Amplifier - 35 %
Source - 20 %
Cables - 10 %

This is the way I would go about buying / building my Hi - Fi System. The Cost of Room Treatment to be etc.


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