wharfedale diamond.5

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#1 erstellt: 30. Nov 2005, 16:24
Hi Guys,
I just read a review about this wharfys in Nov AV MAX mag.
For about Rs 27000/- this sounds like a good choice for floor standers. Any one have them?
Ist häufiger hier
#2 erstellt: 30. Nov 2005, 16:26
sorry they are wharfedale diamond 9.5
Ist häufiger hier
#3 erstellt: 01. Dez 2005, 07:50
Dont conclude on reviews. You go urself and audition it.
Trust your ears and then conclude.
#4 erstellt: 01. Dez 2005, 12:42
avoidable would be my advice. u'd get a better bookshelf speaker at that price. listen to bookshelves and floorstanders in your price range and then decide.
#5 erstellt: 05. Dez 2005, 11:43
I recently auditioned this one...really liked its sound...esp. its response to low freqs...definitely worth considering...

but a lot depends on your budget, your room size, your set-up (amp etc) and your musical preference...do take them into account while deciding...
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