McCormack Amplifiers

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#1 erstellt: 20. Feb 2004, 16:46
Hi all,

I had heard a McCormack amp DNA 125 I think, some months ago and quite liked what I heard. Didn't follow up after a while.

What do you all think of them ?

#2 erstellt: 23. Feb 2004, 03:04
Hi Manek,

How is the pricing of Audio products in India particularly bangalore ? are there any Audiophile chapters/Forums there ?

Also...are Vacuum tubes available there ? was planning on a Tube output CDP but dont want to be stuck with a piece of Junk just in case they die on me !!!

Sorry for Hijacking your thread with so many questions quite out of topic
#3 erstellt: 23. Feb 2004, 07:47
not a proble....I'm not sure about bangalore I am in Bombay. Bangalore for the last 6 months has seen a lot of activity in the hi fi market, more than bombay though the main distributors of well known products are based in bombay.

tube activity is to the minimal. The only tube stuff you get with any kind of support is Cadence valve amps.

A lot of solid state stuff around. pricing is pretty competitive but the higher end stuff is still costly compared to the dollar pricing globally. In some cases it is cheaper.

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