Outdoor(garden) speakers in Bangalore?

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#1 erstellt: 20. Sep 2005, 04:47

Looking for good quality outdoor/garden speakers to connect to zone 2 of my Onkyo receiver TX-NR900. Can anyone recommend where to buy in Bangalore?

#2 erstellt: 20. Sep 2005, 05:33
yes, polk audio have very nice ones for 12K a pair from profx....go hear them :-)

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#3 erstellt: 20. Sep 2005, 06:09
Thx Manek. What do you think of Bose 251 series outdoors? In bangalore, Bose is selling it at Rs 28,000 a pair. Remember my receiver has 180 watts output per channel. I chose Sonodyne towers + sonus sub for my main room and want the right match for outdoors too

#4 erstellt: 20. Sep 2005, 07:30
bose is not for me ....BTw sonodyne also has outdoor speakers so you may try them as well.
Hat sich gelöscht
#5 erstellt: 20. Sep 2005, 12:10
what do u plan to do for security.
have had miscreants stealing taps from my terrace. a speaker would be far more tempting.
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#6 erstellt: 28. Sep 2005, 12:01
Good point. Now I am thinking of a more innovative and secure solution: put the bookshelves on a swivel stand inside (and enjoy the music in that room) and then turn them outwards towards the garden when I am outside. Any one tried this?
#7 erstellt: 29. Sep 2005, 10:12
make sure you dont oversdrive your speakers trying to get the required SPL in open air....regular bookshelves were not made for this.

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