QUAD 11L speakers

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#1 erstellt: 31. Jul 2005, 23:30
Can anybody help me to find a Quad dealer in Delhi. Also please recommend bookshelf speakers to go with a Rotel RA-1070. I am looking at bookshelf speakers as my room gets very boomy with bass even at low volumes. I am not fond of too much bass in my music. So any help will be appreciated.
#2 erstellt: 01. Aug 2005, 14:55
dont know about dealers, but your combination should sound good. do budgetr a good quality heavy stand to place these..the bass will be of better quality.
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#3 erstellt: 01. Aug 2005, 17:03
Thanks Arj
The reason I am going for Bookshelf speakers is because the my room acoustics. The sound gets very boomy in the lower frequencies and hence I thought about bookshelves. What other speakers would you suggest within this price range to go with the Rotel?
I had narrowed down my choices to the JM Lab Chorus 706/707 , Quad 11L and Def tech. I read that the KEF Coda-90 lacks bass and is available for around 20,000 so I can even consider that. But I have to listen to all the speakers above before i make my decision. Can you suggest other speakers which I could pair up?
#4 erstellt: 01. Aug 2005, 20:59
the JM lab chorus is another very good speaker..it is lighter and perhaps more airy..but if you have a rotel the quad might be a better bet. (if you can do listen to the Chorus as well)

deftechs are great for HT..but you need to check if you are ok with their stereo performance
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#5 erstellt: 02. Aug 2005, 21:05
Thanks Arjun
I will listen to the JM Labs over the weekend and will post my comments. I had heard them some time back with a krell amplifier and they sounded very nice. This time I will hear it with a Rotel. I wanted to listen to the Quads as well but the dealer in Delhi does not have it in stock. So will have to wait.
A question though, because of my room acoustics being boomy, what do you think I should go for - a bookshelf speaker or a floorstand which lacks bass?
#6 erstellt: 03. Aug 2005, 05:58

panditr schrieb:
Thanks Arjun
I will listen to the JM Labs over the weekend and will post my comments. I had heard them some time back with a krell amplifier and they sounded very nice. This time I will hear it with a Rotel. I wanted to listen to the Quads as well but the dealer in Delhi does not have it in stock. So will have to wait.
A question though, because of my room acoustics being boomy, what do you think I should go for - a bookshelf speaker or a floorstand which lacks bass?

If you room is boomy forst thing is to treat your room (like placing rugs on the floor and bookcases, chairs etc etc along corners)

then work on placement of your speakers.

you will get all info in this site on speaker placement

Boomyness depends on which frequencies in the room are excited and if is in the area of 40-100 hz, it will boom irrespective of a FS or BS !

But if you have a Krell, you should definitely be auditioning Dynaudio speakers..
#7 erstellt: 03. Aug 2005, 08:23
The best solution is to use the bass traps. It will give the best response but quiet bit expensive.
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#8 erstellt: 03. Aug 2005, 19:29
Thanks Arjun for the links. I did go through them and found them very informative especially the article on speaker placement. Arjun, since my setup is in the living room, I already have 2 carpets on the floor and 2 wall carpets in the room along with the furniture. However the corners are empty.
Arjun, how do I determine what frequencies excite the room? The noise is not exactly booming bass but somewhere between the low and the mid frequencies exactly as you stated. Do you think a graphc equaliser will help me in controling those very frequencies?
Sandeep, you talked about bass traps. Where do you think I could get one and how expensive would those be?
Thanks for the help guys.
#9 erstellt: 04. Aug 2005, 04:53
Hi Rahul,

Sorry to butt in, but an economical way of controlling the corners behind the speakers would be to place a rolled-up sheet of foam in each. If this works in your room, you could get covers, the colour of your walls, stitched to make them less conspicuous.

Hope this helps!

#10 erstellt: 04. Aug 2005, 06:01
Arjun, how do I determine what frequencies excite the room? The noise is not exactly booming bass but somewhere between the low and the mid frequencies exactly as you stated. Do you think a graphc equaliser will help me in controling those very frequencies?

Try this ..

Any speaker whould have approximately the same problem in a room.

If nothing else works, a graphic eq is the only solution, but i feel some home made remedies are the best way forward.
Junias comment is very valid.

a rolled up rug or a triangular corner shelves in the back corners. a bookcase or wallrug or curtain behind the speakers and in the space between them.

placement of your listening position and speakers (eg placing the speakers along the long wall of the room etc etc)
#11 erstellt: 04. Aug 2005, 09:44

panditr schrieb:

Sandeep, you talked about bass traps. Where do you think I could get one and how expensive would those be?


Hi rahul these costs about 12k min in Bangalore that too if you are looking a assembled one. But if you go with the commercial ones they may cost you more than 30k etc...

since they are expensive better try some alternatives..

best regards,
#12 erstellt: 04. Aug 2005, 10:03
Sorry to all to wander off topic....Dear Sandeep where's the audition of your speakers in bangalore you promised in July..BTW are you still in bangalore??
#13 erstellt: 15. Aug 2005, 06:27
Hi Rahul,

Tell you what, Pls dont opt for a graphic equaliser.
All it does is degrade the sound quality.
Take bigears advise. He is right. Use sheets of foam
in the corners, this is effective and economical.
Also cover up the speaker's port with foam bungs that
are generally supplied with the speakers, they further
reduce boominess. Use some good quality stands, it will help.
Experiment and play with positioning.

The Quad 11L is a pretty good speaker. One of the best
in its class. Also consider the Mission 780. If you can
extend your budget then a take a look at the Monitor Audio
gold reference GR 10. Its a fantabulous speaker.

You see how it works is - every component in your entire
configuration should be of a similar pedigree. Nothing
should be an overkill for the other. I would say your
amp is of a better callibre. You should ideally look
at a little more expensive speaker, such as the
monitor audio. This way you make the most of your amp and
your speakers. Finally once again - trust your ears and
then decide. Let me know..........
#14 erstellt: 15. Aug 2005, 07:46
Dear subboss,
I was in Bangalore 10 days ago. I had some work with Biocon and after that I have auditioned Sachu`s ( Benkenobi) system and I have made the right subwoofer placement. But this time as expectations are high in the forum I would like to build some top models. In the mean time I am planning to release my own preamp model with SMPS as power supply.

But this time when I come to Bangalore I will get the whole setup and but I dont understand where to keep this as I need a dealer who looks after all these things. Can u suggest where to keep these speakers to audition?

best regards,
#15 erstellt: 16. Aug 2005, 05:05

big-ears schrieb:
Hi Rahul,

Sorry to butt in, but an economical way of controlling the corners behind the speakers would be to place a rolled-up sheet of foam in each. If this works in your room, you could get covers, the colour of your walls, stitched to make them less conspicuous.

Hope this helps!


Thats a good idea. But instead of foam..try Glass wool sheets....it gives much better result.


You might need a bath after installing the same to stop the itches ;-)

But if there are kids (especially babies)...this is a strict no-no...unless it is rolled outside the house and properply wrapped in a cloth before bringing it inside the house.

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#16 erstellt: 16. Aug 2005, 12:18
Thanks Siva and Jay.
I will try out both the foam and glass wool over the weekend and let you guys know the results.
#17 erstellt: 16. Aug 2005, 13:11
panditr be careful not to rub your eyes with your hands when you are playing around with glass wool....
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#18 erstellt: 16. Aug 2005, 15:29

sivat schrieb:

Thats a good idea. But instead of foam..try Glass wool sheets....it gives much better result.


You might need a bath after installing the same to stop the itches ;-)

But if there are kids (especially babies)...this is a strict no-no...unless it is rolled outside the house and properply wrapped in a cloth before bringing it inside the house.


Handling glass wool has possible health implications. Check http://www.atsdr.cdc.gov/toxprofiles/tp161-c8.pdf.
#19 erstellt: 16. Aug 2005, 17:44
he he he... when i was a kid,i stuffed a bunch of glass wool in my pant pockets,forgot all about it and actually went to sleep with it in my pockets, only to get up in the middle of the night yeowling in pain bcoz it went into all the wrong places !thankfuly,no harm was done.thankfully.
btw, have u tried thermocole?might help.
#20 erstellt: 24. Aug 2005, 13:00
Try Energy bookshelves. They sound excellent and don't have strong bass. Does the synthetic packing material that comes with computers act as a bass trap? It should be easy to get it out of some software company for free. But does it work? Does simple thermocol work?
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