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#1 erstellt: 04. Jul 2005, 11:58
I had an interesting Saturday, thanks to Junia.
At his office, I compared 3 headphones - Grado RS1, Sennheiser HD-600, and a pair of in-ear-canal headphones. The Senn was easily the best of the lot with a balanced sound and good bass. I strongly recommend it (provided you can afford it).

Junia brought his Nad + Plinius + Dynaudio over to my place. It sounded great as expected. But learning happened when I substituted my Pulz power amp and Pulz bookshelfs in the place of his components. It was quite clear that the Pulz actually has good dynamics. The compression I had noticed earlier seems to be caused by feeding it using a computer soundcard. The Nad CD player improves the dynamics greatly.

The only drawback is that a CD player has too strong an output compared to a sound card. Therefore a player with volume control on remote would be a necessity (if you lack a pre amp).

The Pulz competed well with Junia's system. It however lost out on clarity. Junia explained that the veiled sound was because the tweeter wasn't as revealing as the Dynaudio's. Its treble is generally rolled off. Bass reproduction was good on the Pulz - better than the Dynaudio bookshelf.

It would be nice if other commercial members would copy Junia and offer components for home demos. This would reveal what we are missing in our existing setups.
#2 erstellt: 04. Jul 2005, 12:10
Hi Neutral,
Great to know about your experience....
BTW how much does each of the headphones you have mentioned retail at ???

Which sound card do you use ??
#3 erstellt: 04. Jul 2005, 12:57

Are you saying that the pulz amp and speakers matched the plinius and dyn's on every count except the tweeter ? and maybe bettered it on bass quality ?
Sir, that to my mind is very very difficult to offence meant to any brand or person but I still find it very very difficult to believe.....

I agree that pulz are good amps for their price but I would think the plinius and dyn's are in a completely different league. But then again I wasn't there so I cant say much.

#4 erstellt: 05. Jul 2005, 00:46
Dear Abhi,

The RS1 costs around $ 700 & the HD 600 around $ 450.


#5 erstellt: 05. Jul 2005, 09:08
My sincere aplogies Manek if I have confused you or other forum members.

What I said, "The Pulz competed well with Junia's system. It however lost out on clarity. Junia explained that the veiled sound was because the tweeter wasn't as revealing as the Dynaudio's. Its treble is generally rolled off. Bass reproduction was good on the Pulz - better than the Dynaudio bookshelf."

The Pulz is poorer on clarity and precision. It has a relatively veiled sound - meaning fewer details and loss of nuances. It certainly won't win against Junia's system on any count except the quantity of bass. But then it costs around a fifth of the high-end system. So looked at from a middle-class value-for-money angle, it's good.

It would take a lot of professional testing on various songs to do a perfect A to B comparison. Junia certainly couldn't spare that much time. These are my initial impressions.
#6 erstellt: 05. Jul 2005, 09:37
OK neutral,
I get it...thanks for the clarification.
As you mentioned, pulz is a value for money local product and definately a good product to start with.

#7 erstellt: 05. Jul 2005, 09:52
Which soundcard do you use in your PC ???
#8 erstellt: 05. Jul 2005, 11:18
Hi Abhi,

My desktop PC uses the n-Force 2 APU chipset and the Realtek ALC 650 integrated chip. I use the regular analog line / headphone output. I also sometimes use my brother's Dell notebook computer as a source.
#9 erstellt: 05. Jul 2005, 11:22

as you mentioned earlier, a good entry level cdp would do your system wonders.

#10 erstellt: 05. Jul 2005, 13:27
How would a Creative Live Blaster (7.1) soundcard perform ?
Hat sich gelöscht
#11 erstellt: 05. Jul 2005, 13:29
Abhi, i have sent u the comparison chart..i think u will find that much more informative...check it out..
#12 erstellt: 05. Jul 2005, 13:33
yah but I want some practical opinions/experiences....

BTW I have already bought the above sound card
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#13 erstellt: 05. Jul 2005, 14:45
Creative Live and Audigy series is mostly for gaming.
#14 erstellt: 05. Jul 2005, 15:08
what about music...
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#15 erstellt: 05. Jul 2005, 15:26
It has average performance with music.
For stereo music you can try Chaintech 710 soundcard. The card has Wolfson DACs for the rear channels. It is vey cheap, around 25$, but not available here.
#16 erstellt: 05. Jul 2005, 15:34

anyother alternative in 2.5k range ??
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#17 erstellt: 05. Jul 2005, 15:39
In 2.5K range, none. The other entry level audiophile cards start at around $100. Here you may get them at around $150+
#18 erstellt: 13. Aug 2005, 13:08
Hi Forum members,

I suggest that you go through this post in this entirety so that you are not misled by commercial or other vested interests into believing what you want them to hear.

In brief, I compared two speaker systems - a high-end international system with a mid-end local system. I found that the local system produced good enough sound to satisfy the salaried Indian middle class. At a fifth of the cost of the international system (< Rs 30,000) vs Rs 1.5 lakh it delivered clean and clear sound without unacceptable biases.

Of course, the international system had more clarity and detail. But then in smaller towns, one can buy an apartment for Rs 1.5 lakhs! So after performing an A-B comparison within time constraints and equipment constraints, I posted my experiences for the benefit of forum members.

I am distressed that certain forum members have posted disparaging comments on my experiences without having even heard the systems in comparison. I hope other forum members will also perform A-B comparisons and post their views. Let's not be cowed down by commercial and other vested interests into hiding.

Please note that a forum is a place for exchanging views and as many learned members on this forum have stated, your experiences depend on your musical tastes. So there is no requirement at all for someone else to agree with your opinions.

Best regards,

Neutral (a genuine audiophile who is happy to help other middle-class people)
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#19 erstellt: 14. Aug 2005, 11:22
Neutral, Hi!

You are damn correct. And many of these local products can easily equal these hi-end stuff.

In fact, I prefer searching for exotic music than equipments.
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