Smart Stereo Setup (Free Software)

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#1 erstellt: 08. Jun 2005, 07:32

This interesting software consists of :-
1. Positioning Loudspeakers-Listening Point: For better tonal balance and stereo imaging.
2. Determine Early Reflection Points in a room: For far better stereo imaging by control of these reflections.
- Early Reflections on side walls.
- Early Reflection on floor.
- Early Reflection on ceiling.

3. Determine dimension of Golden Cuboid Listening Room.
- By specifying room length.
- By specifying room height.
- By specifying room width.

4. Determine dimension of Golden Trapagon Listening Room.
- By specifying room length.
- By specifying room height on the loudspeaker side.
- By specifying room width on the loudspeaker side.
- By specifying room height on the listening side.
- By specifying room width on the listening side.

You can download right from the URL below.
#2 erstellt: 08. Jun 2005, 07:35
Hi Udomchok,
Hope this forum like this as much as Echoloft
#3 erstellt: 08. Jun 2005, 13:53
Hello Khun Arj

Just think that thing may be useful for ones loving the same thing with me, LOL.


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