Second Hand HI FI Equipment

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#1 erstellt: 03. Mai 2005, 13:38
For all those looking at buying some of the best stuff available in the world at what would be considered ecoonomical prices in India then drop me a line at

I am a part time audio consultant a big audiophile and have through the activities involved in both managed to develop an extensive vendor resource which most FMCG comapnies would be envious of.

i have a client list of 100 who regularly buy and sell stuff through me.

I can on any single day have everything from whferdales,, torvin, jamp, JBL, Harmon , Sony, Sansui, Yamaha (and many more big brands with me)

So before buying something drop in a line and see what i can get for you....just be sure you are comfy buying through someone u dont know and the possibility of non inspection of the product due to geographical factors.

DEAL OF THE WEEK - 5.1 JBL ESC HT Speaker Package for 16500 only. Matched soundprocessor/amp at an additional 9000.
#2 erstellt: 03. Mai 2005, 15:23
Hi Puchoo,
It is good to see your offers but just want to let you know (without hurting you) that such kind of Blunt Marketing is out of place in this forum. You can very well use Private Message(PM) facility to do so.
#3 erstellt: 03. Mai 2005, 16:24
Hi All,

Well I hope that all members do follow this practice of not marketing at all.

One just has to go through previous threads to see that this is not followed.

Is this a rule which has been formulated by the Moderators ? would be nice if one of the Moderators could clarify this

No offence meant...just wanted a clarification of the same.

If it is allowed then the rule has to be universal, if not then again it should be universal



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#4 erstellt: 03. Mai 2005, 17:43
there are no intentions of causing anyone any offence byu putting what i did. I just thouht thaT IT WOULD BE GOOD AVENUE FOR A LOT OF MEMBERS TO GET WHAT THEY WANT.

And i have received a lot of messages from members requesting me to give them a price list etc of what i have so obviously it was needed.

But if it is not allowed then i wont do it but then there shoiuld be a rul;e clearlyu marked out to state the same.
#5 erstellt: 03. Mai 2005, 18:10
Hi jsa ind,

if you like all members not to follow the practice of marketing perhaps you might want to start the trend.

although i haven't logged on for many weeks i've been following the threads and my observation is that you primarily want to sound out prospects for your ventures. the plinius with harbeth and ur second hand venture... which i might add a lot of guys enthusiastically contributed to. so don't stomp on other guys to protect your professional interests which i sense is what is really happening under the guise of forum fairness. would be really appreciated. and i for one appreciate puchoo's post cos i know of another source for hi fi equipment if i need it.

by the same token prithvi keeps posting his lists of stuff he has. it's pure marketing too but am also sure lots of guys find it useful and i for one intend visiting him when i'm down in bangalore to hear some good speakers. i had sent him a pm when i had just joined this forum long while ago.

ditto for viren. i'm interested in his valve amp when i do get down to setting up my system. and hey if he wasn't registered here on the forum where would i hear about him??? where would jeeves who reviewed his stuff after a visit to delhi have got an opportunity to do so otherwise?

sorry for being so blunt. but ur post was really not called for and really unethical after doing some consumer research on this very forum yourself. jeez!!!

[Beitrag von stevieboy am 03. Mai 2005, 18:13 bearbeitet]
#6 erstellt: 03. Mai 2005, 18:22
Dear Steve,

I don't think you understood my last post.

I was asking if marketing is allowed or not.....NOT saying that marketing should be banned or frowned upon.

This is a policy which Moderators have to let us know about, after all we all need to abide by their rules as they run the forum.

Do correct me if I am wrong either in this post or in the last.


#7 erstellt: 03. Mai 2005, 18:27
and just to add it doesn't appear that you contribute much to other guys posts except ones that concern ur business like the post by tidelpower on used gear and musical fidelity by sub boss and of course ur very own plinius+harbeth+eichman...

at least puchoo is upfront about his status instead of slick marketing tricks that not too many here are cottoning on to.

prithvi at least contributes to people's doubts and questions and occasionally posts helpful articles.

dont get me wrong. its nice having the trade on the forum so we know what is available and where and get a one-on-one but dont please dont stomp on other professionals.
#8 erstellt: 03. Mai 2005, 18:33
jsa ind this is what you wrote

Hi All,

Well I hope that all members do follow this practice of not marketing at all.

One just has to go through previous threads to see that this is not followed.

it certainly has the connotation that puchoo is indulging in marketing which he oughtn't to be.

and ur second line says just go through the previous threads to see that this is not followed. well the reply to this is in my previous post.. u urself have been following marketing, maybe not upfront like puchoo, but a little more slick but marketing nonetheless.

jsa i'm in the business. i'm in advertising and i can smell someone marketing his wares upfront or under the guise of helping forum members by bringing better products.

and all the pm's to puchoo's post that he mentions he received indicate firmly that his post was indeed welcome.
#9 erstellt: 03. Mai 2005, 18:36
by the way puchoo this is a consumer's forum primarily or rather i should say a forum for guys who want any kind of information on hi-fi, so if u've got info on all the brands you handle am sure a lot of guys would appreciate you contributing to solving their questions also instead of you just posting what you've got to offer only. welcome and do contribute constructively.

#10 erstellt: 03. Mai 2005, 18:43
Dear Steve,

You seem to have a bee in your bonnet or for some strange reason you choose not to comprehend or cannot comprehend what I am saying....let me see if I am lucky the third time.

I am not saying that marketing should be banned, but rather the moderators have to decide whether marketing has to be allowed or not, if not it should be universal (including myself should refrain from doing so) if allowed everyone should be allowed including Pucho. A good many of us, including the ones who you named seem to have commercial interests, so why should one be excluded while the rest (including myself) be allowed to do so ? I find it quite amusing trying to defend your stand Steve.

As to me not are really out of touch Steve...I cannot help you if you choose not to read every could learn a thing or two you know....



[Beitrag von jsa_ind am 03. Mai 2005, 18:55 bearbeitet]
#11 erstellt: 03. Mai 2005, 18:50
Dear Steve,

Maybe my English is too complicated for you to understand for which I apologize.

You seem to forget that my first thread was in response to Abijit's thread, where I was seeking clarification to what was allowed & what was not, so your so called "connotation" was way off the mark. You seem to have forgotten ( conveniently or by omission, I don't know ) to refer to the latter part of the same thread. Me stomping on other professionals ?.....asking for a clarification you call as stomping, do you ? I am afraid you are all mixed up,inadvertently or advertently only you can tell

I will try to simplify my English especially if I am writing to you.



P.S. Oh by the way I too PMed Pucho in a postive manner...not right now.... but as soon as he wrote his first post....I hope this drives home the point I was trying to make in the first place.

[Beitrag von jsa_ind am 03. Mai 2005, 19:11 bearbeitet]
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#12 erstellt: 08. Mai 2005, 05:46
Hi guys!
Let me give my 50paise worth( ..approx 2 cents!!)

All I can say is let us keep the Internet open!
Thats the whole beauty of internet ... nothing is forced on u and everything is open and optional!!!
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#13 erstellt: 10. Mai 2005, 06:03
Hey Guys,

did not want to start a Mahabharat between members here so cmon lets drop it and go back to helping out each other. What do u say?

And as cheesy as it may sound my interest in writing literature regarding what ihave is not purely commercial. Its also about trying to help the community at large ( i told u it will sound cheesy) Go back about 5 years and tell me how difficult it would have been to get stuff in India... or how expensive to import it.. i went through most of my quota of patience just waiting to be able tofind the right set of speakers..

#14 erstellt: 10. Mai 2005, 08:35
OK guys,

Here is the answer from the moderators. There are no two ways about it.

Dealers/distributors/manufacturers etc are welcome on the forum but should not advertise the products they carry on the forum.

I request you all to adhere to the rules of this forum.

#15 erstellt: 10. Mai 2005, 12:30
Dear Manek,

Perfect !

It's going to be very interesting now that you have clarified things...........

Hope your loved one recovers quickly.


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#16 erstellt: 10. Mai 2005, 13:23
I welcome the clarification and will not post any more topics to that effect but im assuming that if someone asks me directly or indirectly for some help then i can offer the same to him in terms of equiopment and prices?
#17 erstellt: 10. Mai 2005, 14:04
Dear Puchoo,

This is already been done, so personally I don't think that would be a problem.

However it is best that the moderators clarify that too.


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#18 erstellt: 10. Mai 2005, 17:20
i dont think and see why tht sohould be an issue... fel like im back in kindergarten where i had to ask permisson to be able to go to the loo!!
#19 erstellt: 10. Mai 2005, 18:44

Well if you had your own forum and such a fan could have got away with anything !

Jokes aside...just keep at Puchoo...I will request my staff to direct enquires to you, should they come across customers looking for stuff we don't carry.



#20 erstellt: 11. Mai 2005, 07:31
To calrify further....

Puchoo if a user asks you about the equipment you carry, by all means help him out but we would like you and the user to use the private messaging service for the same. Commercial deals to be done in private or better on your e-mail.

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#21 erstellt: 11. Mai 2005, 08:02
ASHO!! - before u scream, it means OK in Japanese.
#22 erstellt: 11. Mai 2005, 08:21
yeah I know...:-)
I've seen "mind your language too.."

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