Novice's doubt

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#1 erstellt: 20. Apr 2005, 12:32
A pretty basic doubt, so I believe. Should one go in for a pure power amp and forget a pre-amp or go in for a integrated amp? This is coz though pre-amp doesnt do much with current day recordings, it can still end up coloring the sound (right?). So does it affect one's sound by not having a pre-amp inline?
#2 erstellt: 20. Apr 2005, 18:28
well simply put a pre-amp has the following characteristics

- Gives you a volume control
- provides u with multiple channels for connecting other inputs
- shields the cdp power output from the high load of the power amp. Usually cdp output power is pretty wimpy and in case it is driving the amp the entire load comes on to the amp (Ony true for active pre amps). in case of passive pre amps the above two should cover most points

lots of filks do have a CDP directly coupled with a power amp but then their CDPs have pretty good power supplies and have a volume control !
#3 erstellt: 21. Apr 2005, 05:56
So does that mean that a Pre-Amp has a very little role in enhancing the quality of music ? Can a Good CDP with volume control replace a good Pre-amp (considering that you dont want to connect mutiple sources to your amp) ?
Then Why most of the systems I have seen include a Pre-Amp (whether internal or external)?
It sounds rather weird to me that a Pre-amp is more like a Connection Hub for mutiple sources than a Musical component !!!

Kya Chakkar hai Boss.....
Hat sich gelöscht
#4 erstellt: 21. Apr 2005, 06:05
Hey abhi,
u got to remember one thing. nothing in the audio reproduction chain is 'unimportant' or 'redundant'.
if it is there, then there is a reason for it being there.
a good preamp section can go a long way in making an excellent system.
Basically it is like a hub for different sources and to keep the volume and tone controls adequeatley isolated from the power supply transformers and thus making the signal path as free it can be from noise as possible.
so don't simply jump to conclusions. there are many complications in incorporating the entire preamp in the cdp itself (though Linn have gone abt it excellently,even added the power amp section).
maybe Prithvi or Big-ears can elaborate more on this, cause i frankly don't know too much abt this.
#5 erstellt: 21. Apr 2005, 06:17
Abhi and's some snacks for your thought.....

As the name suggests, the Pre Amplifier is the first amplifying stage. The input signal after passing through the forward / reverse path passes through an external plug-in attenuator. In some products, this plug-in input attenuator can either be a fixed attenuator or a Thermal Equaliser. The pre amplifier receives relatively low level signals and is therrefore designed to operate with low noise, at relatively modest output levels. Since output levels are not laerge, the pre amplifier section does not generate significant distortion.

The signal partialy amplified by the pre amplifier section now passes to the main gain and slope controls.
As the name suggests, the gain control allows user setting of the output signal level.After the signal has been corrected for its level and slope, it is fed through the post amplifier. The post amplifier is designed to provide maximum output with the least possible distortion. Since the post amplifier already receaives an input signal of fairly high signal levels, it is not necessary to optimise the post amplifier for low noise performance. .......


[Beitrag von SUB_BOSS am 21. Apr 2005, 06:22 bearbeitet]
#6 erstellt: 21. Apr 2005, 06:23

benkenobi schrieb:

so don't simply jump to conclusions. Ben

Hey Benks,
I have not jumped into any conclusions and infact
I am unable to conclude the importance of Pre-Amp, and thats the problem.

The importance of Pre-Amp simply cannot be underestimated but when it comes to the purpose of having it and what does it do most efficiently which makes it so important in a Audio Chain is what I want to know...
#7 erstellt: 21. Apr 2005, 06:32
I had heard that pre-amps were actually meant for phono sound (my audio know-how ends here) which was there in old recordings. Nowadays, they are not present and so pre-amp is a misnomer and it is basically meant for volume control (as pointed out) and other such things. So how critical does it become to have a good pre-amp? is it worth the investment going in for a separate pre-amp or an integrated pre-amp or would a power amp alone would suffice? ofocurse, proveded my cdp has volume control.
And, if i dont have a pre-amp, can i still go ahead and connect an active sub-woofer to my cdp? coz I believe ppl say that use a pre-amp out for an active sub...
#8 erstellt: 21. Apr 2005, 06:32
Hmmmmmm !!! Sub, Feeling better now....
Hey Sub, then what would be the possible negative effects if the signal is fed directly from the CDP to the Pwr Amp ? (considering a Volume control is available on the CDP.
#9 erstellt: 21. Apr 2005, 17:54
ery few cdps have volume control without loss in resolution.
for that u need CDPs with Analogue Volume controls like Audio Aero, Cary, Cyrus Quattro, Quad CDP 9( etc etc at least 3000 USD
OR a good digital one like Wadia (At least 4000 USD)
the other digital volume controls actually decrease resolution on lowering of the volume hence offsetting any advantage you have of removing the Pre amp !

hence from a money point of view makes sense to go for a good Int Amp

These days an Int amp is acually a Pre amp and Power Amp in the same box and hence saving of cost.
There are people who insist on Pre * Pwr ..that is because they have more control over the sound due to Mix & match options.

YOu can connect an Active sub to a cdp. you need to put a pair of RCA splitters.
But the power supplies of most sub 1500 CDPs are not so hot so your cdp sound is only going to get worse !

For starters go integerated ! it is more economical and value for money

Rishi schrieb:
So how critical does it become to have a good pre-amp? is it worth the investment going in for a separate pre-amp or an integrated pre-amp or would a power amp alone would suffice? ofocurse, proveded my cdp has volume control.
And, if i dont have a pre-amp, can i still go ahead and connect an active sub-woofer to my cdp? coz I believe ppl say that use a pre-amp out for an active sub...
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