Wharfedale Vs Space Audio Vs Sanen

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#1 erstellt: 29. Jan 2005, 16:11

What is the general opinion about Space Audio and Sanen Satellite speaker packages? How do they compare to Wharfedale?

Sanen is offering me a satellite speaker package at Rs 27,000 while Space Audio is offering me a speaker package http://www.spaceaudioinc.com/sm-10x.htm for Rs 17,600 including shipping.

I can get a Wharfedale Moviestar 60+ http://www.wharfedale.co.uk/moviestar60.htm for Rs 19,000 while I can get a Wharedale Moviestar 70+ http://www.wharfedale.co.uk/moviestar70.htm for Rs 30,000 locally in Hyderabad.

My budget is Rs 25,000 I can probably stretch it upto Rs 30,000. Which one should I go for the Moviestar 60+, Moviestar 70+ or the Indian brands, Sanen or Space Audio?
#2 erstellt: 31. Jan 2005, 07:51
My opinion is go for Space but ask them to remove the 2 front satellites and you can add up a front pair of towers (by Space itself). They have good tower speakers at a very reasonable rate (around 14k). It will fit your 30k budget as well give you a very good combo overall.
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#3 erstellt: 31. Jan 2005, 08:26
Thanks for your inputs Abhi. I will see what Space will quote for the two front towers.
#4 erstellt: 31. Jan 2005, 08:37
between the three its Wharfedale for me.

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#5 erstellt: 31. Jan 2005, 08:43
I am leaning towards the Wharfedale myself especially considering the lack of response from Sonodyne to my emails.
Ist häufiger hier
#6 erstellt: 31. Jan 2005, 15:56
Sonodyne responds in i working day,you have to enquire from their website
#7 erstellt: 31. Jan 2005, 16:41
But Sonodynes will anyway be an expensive affair as its Sonus 2605 Towers are 22k a pair and their other tower model is not that good but can be considered for an HT. It is around 12k a pair. Their Sattellites are around 5k per piece and sub around 12k. I think it will exceed your budget...
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#8 erstellt: 31. Jan 2005, 17:24

neono schrieb:
Sonodyne responds in i working day,you have to enquire from their website

I did enquire from their website on January 27th. So far no response. Anyway it seems to be beyond my budget.
Ist häufiger hier
#9 erstellt: 31. Jan 2005, 18:38

My experience on Sonodyne, pre and aftersales, is PATHETIC. Take my word for it and let me not get in to my spiel. But, like I said before, their products are Value for Money.

Hat sich gelöscht
#10 erstellt: 01. Feb 2005, 11:46
i would advise you to look at jbl as they have a very strong product (my dad actually wanted to buy this one).

man. how can i forget the definitive technology procinema series.as i know the procinema80 retails for around 42k. it really comes highly recommended and my cousin in the US said that hey was impressed by the sub sat system.

also reviews from audioreview.com

i myself am going for the prosub 100tl subwoofer from the procinema100 series.
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#11 erstellt: 01. Feb 2005, 11:56
here's the review for the whafie.

i have to admit i did not listen to it myself. but i did listen to the procinema 80 and it really rocks. my advise to u would be to save up and go for the procinema80 package. i think they can be auditioned at sound & vision(hyderabad).
sound & vision really qoutes great prices, even after considering the shipping charges they work out cheaper.
however, i cannot vouch for the chap as i have only corresponded with him through email. maybe some of the hyderabadis can shed some light over this dealer.
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