is there any site for 2nd hand Audio in India/Blr ? ?

+A -A
#1 erstellt: 21. Mrz 2005, 10:52
May be relocating out of India for a couple of years and do not want to carry my floorstanders with me..any idea how i can affect a sale ?

Hat sich gelöscht
#2 erstellt: 21. Mrz 2005, 10:58
lucky you.
check out
i have sold a couple of items on it and seems to be safe ...if u know what u are doing. what's teh asking price for ur Kllipsh
Schaut ab und zu mal vorbei
#3 erstellt: 21. Mrz 2005, 10:59
What r u selling and for how much??
#4 erstellt: 21. Mrz 2005, 11:28
Baazee..isnt it now Ebay India now ? OK will try..but thatn is an hassle

am looking at something like 22K.

For 27.5K will include a pair of Monster speaker cable as well as a MF X10D+XPSU.. any takers ?

the X10d+PSU by themselves is at around 9K

( Am taking the prices from Audiogon for Used items and then adding the discount ,
1. X10D+XPSU by itself is around 300 USD ie

they sound very good when placed between the pre & Power
I bought them on 2nd sale for 600 SGD

2. The RF3-IIs do not seems to be on sale in Audiogon at the current moment, but the older RF3s are selling at USD450
ie hence USD500 should be a fair price.
I bought them for around 850USD in 2003 may

Am not adding the duty incurred as well as the cost of transportation when I lugged it in from Singapore, hence i presume this is a fair deal.

[Beitrag von Arj am 21. Mrz 2005, 11:29 bearbeitet]
#5 erstellt: 21. Mrz 2005, 11:34
BTW have the original packaging as well as the receipt..
Hat sich gelöscht
#6 erstellt: 21. Mrz 2005, 11:38
hey arj,
can u give me some more details on the x 10 d and the x-psu. that's 9k for the both of them?
can i use it with my H/K DVD player. by doing so can i avoid going in for the Nad cdp.
#7 erstellt: 21. Mrz 2005, 11:53
well.. they are supposed to help out the lower end (Sub500 USD CDPs)

a review is there here
the specs here

Personally found it to be very good when playing out from my Ipod as well as from a Sony CD MAN.

when I had a NAD I found the sound very smooth when it was placed between the Pre & power..

They do have their share of deterrants saying that the money could be well used to buying a higher end CDP..but not sure if you could do the same for that price in india..

[Beitrag von Arj am 21. Mrz 2005, 12:04 bearbeitet]
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#8 erstellt: 22. Mrz 2005, 09:01
arj,u did not answer my question completely. will i be able to use the Mfs in conjucntion with the H/K thereby eliminating my need to buy a new CDP.
#9 erstellt: 22. Mrz 2005, 09:46
read the stereophile review
then get the CDP down to my place and you can audition it yourself
#10 erstellt: 22. Mrz 2005, 09:47

Arj schrieb:
read the stereophile review
then get the CDP down to my place and you can audition it yourself as I ma not sure of how it works with HK
Ist häufiger hier
#11 erstellt: 23. Mrz 2005, 06:04
Hi Arj,

Arj schrieb:
read the stereophile review
then get the CDP down to my place and you can audition it yourself

Could you post your phone number - will get in touch with you regarding the Klipsch. Would love to take a look at them. Hope that's okay with you.

- Nagaraj
Hat sich gelöscht
#12 erstellt: 23. Mrz 2005, 06:37
hey Nagraj,
long time no see.
how are u man?
let me know when u r going to arj's place would like to go with u. never have heard a Klipsh.
is there a showroom in Bangalore BTW.
Ist häufiger hier
#13 erstellt: 23. Mrz 2005, 06:56
Hi Benks,

Am doing fine. Let Arj reply and then we can decide. Good idea to go and check out Arj's system too together.

BTW, I read that you stay in B'nagar. I stay there too so mail me your phone number at nagarajv at gmail dot com and we can fix up when to meet.

- Nagaraj
#14 erstellt: 23. Mrz 2005, 08:42
cell no is 98455 37820.. YOu can SMS me anytime, but call me only after 5pM as i might be in meetings then
#15 erstellt: 23. Mrz 2005, 09:44
Benkenobi give me your tel no.
Hat sich gelöscht
#16 erstellt: 23. Mrz 2005, 12:16
just came back from college. listening to metallica.
wrote my first internals just now(wavlet transforms).Ugh!
did well though. got my seventh sem results as well.
hey nagraj, troj, my number is 23220842.
Nagraj, my place is directly opposite Aishwariya bakery on the main road itself.
give me a buzz and we'll meet.
p.s: hey Big_ears check ur inbox. sent u a PM yestarday.
#17 erstellt: 23. Mrz 2005, 15:26
Hey Arj,
You know what really surprises me? Nobody has asked you if you want to sell your Sudgen! Or is that too bhasphamous a thought!
Hat sich gelöscht
#18 erstellt: 23. Mrz 2005, 15:31
u said it Jeeves. it is blasphemous.
believe me. i heard that amp(for close to 2 hours). i'm still amazed by the 'little' thing. 20 watts and still drove those response d15s at less then half the volume like mad.
amazing amp. was just too good. would go out and buy one myself if i had the moolah. BTW Arj, can u post that link abt ur sugden(th eone u had posted some time back).
#19 erstellt: 23. Mrz 2005, 15:33
Arj your silence is deafening!
#20 erstellt: 24. Mrz 2005, 06:36

Jeeves schrieb:
Hey Arj,
You know what really surprises me? Nobody has asked you if you want to sell your Sudgen! Or is that too bhasphamous a thought!

I am taking it with me

I might just do that with the speakers too if i cant sell mit..just found out that Klipsh has a tremendous resale value in France !
Hat sich gelöscht
#21 erstellt: 24. Mrz 2005, 06:42
wow France!.
U really are a lucky man.
Hat sich gelöscht
#22 erstellt: 27. Mrz 2005, 19:22
congrats to both Arj and Sub_Boss.
it seems the forum has been able to be mutually beneficial to members and help each other in their aspirations to upgrade and get closer to musical nirvana.
Mohan, thought u said u were going to come drop by my place. let me know . and now that u have the Klipsch, i'd like to drop by UR place.
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