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PrimaLuna prologue 1

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#51 erstellt: 13. Jul 2005, 12:28
Wantu Be, you seem to have the JM LAB Cobalt
It is french all right but a different brand from JMR...

Anyways the cobalt is pretty good and i did predfer 816 to the 806 as it seems to have a better midrange as well as Bass.

I always felt that the JM labs do better with higher power amps as some although they have a hi sensitivity, they do not come under the Very easy load category as some of their models do have resistances dipping below 4 ohms..

Cheers !
#52 erstellt: 13. Jul 2005, 13:12
Hi all,

Bad news. The right channel has packed-it-in. e.g. went very soft, can hardly hear any music.

Again, when I switch the unit off and I cound hear a "click" and than a "hiss" on the right hand channel.

I checked that the speakers were OK using the MF A3.2

Not a good start to a hopeful purchase, what do you all think?

#53 erstellt: 14. Jul 2005, 04:51
youve been given a iffy demo piece....could be a bad tube driving the right hand channel ?

#54 erstellt: 15. Jul 2005, 04:51
Sounds like a faulty driver or pre driver tube. You can interchange tubes between Left & Right channels to identify the faulty one. Never switch on the amp without installing all the tubes.
#55 erstellt: 15. Jul 2005, 13:33
Hi all,

Returned the PL one to the shop and they will get it checked out and repaired.

Having to keep myself company with the MF A3.2 and I can say without doubt that the sound is very different, can't wait to get the PL One back to have anothe crack at it.

Have been on the lookout for a "afforable" CD player (how many time have we heard that before!) and came across the AH! Njoe Tjoeb 4000, reviewed well.

Any ideas on this?

#56 erstellt: 15. Jul 2005, 17:38
Hello everybody,
I´m planning to buy the PL two or five (KT 88) but I´m not shure they can drive my KEF´s Reference 3 (4 way, 5 drives, 91 Db, 4 Ohm)in a room area about 65 sq meters.
If they have not enough power for my needs, would it be usefull to keep my 200 W monoblocks drivig the low frequencies of the KEF´s and connect the PL to the midle/high, both through my passive pre, in a bi-amplification configuration ??

#57 erstellt: 16. Jul 2005, 10:07

there are people who drive their top end with tubes and bottom with ss amps...Dont really know how easy the kef reference are to drive only with tubes but tubes+ss may turn out to be an interesting combo...

Secondly will your passive-pre work well with the luna ? you need to check that out, also need to see if both amps are driven equally by the pre, you should not end up with an unbalanced sound so component matching is paramount....if you can get the PL home to demo nothing like it....but please dont buy on just gutt feel or a review...check it out yourself. I always recommend that people bi-amp with same/similar amps, atleast from the same family so that there is less issue of timbrematching....maybe you could also use the pre-amp section of the PL to drive the ss amps inconjuction with the tubes if the PL has a pre-out at the back....

#58 erstellt: 18. Jul 2005, 10:58
Thanks Manek, I have to agree with you, as biamping with different powers will most probably result in an unbalanced sound. As a matter of fact, the sensitivity of my SS powers is 1,4 volt ( a low one) while in the PL Integrated is 0,260 ( very high, volume control turned all the way clockwise). But we can lower the sensitivity of the PL by acting on the volume control counter clocwise, isn´t it??
Otherwise, the KEFs have the low crossover point on 160 Hz, a very low one, I hope will not affect seriously the tonal balance as the mids and highs will be delivered by the PL. I should experiment but it will be very difficult to borrow one to take home.
Is there anybody out there who tried something like that?


#59 erstellt: 30. Aug 2005, 13:15
Hi all,

I have given up waiting on a PL1 to try, have gone with a class A 22W KT88 amp. The amp has a similar tube configuration as the PL1. e.g 4 x KT88 etc etc...

After about 45 mins warm up, the music starts to come alive. Good dynamic range, smooth top / mid + tight bottom.

Will live with this for awhile till the next bit of cash comes in and will re-visit the PL again.

Happy listerning to all.
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